In a previous post I mentioned that I’m living with my ex husband for financial reasons and because we can help each other take care of my son. But I am sick and tired of it!! It feels more like we are three roommates. My ex and son share a room and I have the other one. There are things when it comes to raising my son that are important to me and no matter how many times I say something, my ex seems to have no concern or respect for those things. For example with me my son always had a bedtime and on weekends a more lenient one. He is 9 and I know how important sleep and structure are. I will get him ready for bed, send him to bed, only to have his dad sit on his computer in their room doing his hw. Or stay up until midnight watching tv. Or my favorite go to bed and leave my son up playing video games....which by the way I hate.
Honesty I could go on and on about these and many other seemingly small but significant things. He is a good dad but a lazy parent. I’m not perfect but I’m trying to give my son structure and discipline and am sick and tired of being undermined, given attitude, and then having to be the bad guy when “mom says it’s time to go to bed” or “mom says you need to turn off the video games”
I can’t control my ex but I’m sick of feeling trapped here in a house I don’t feel is my home, with a man I no longer want to be with but share a child with, while watching his haphazard parenting. I’m dying to leave and get my own place!! I planned to stay a year but can’t stand it or accept it. I’m not where I wanted to be financially but I’ve been worse and feel I can make it work. Everyone around me tells me it’s better to stay and stick it out and deal. I know there are a lot worse situations than mine but I hate living like this.