I’m at my bf’s place. I have anxiety about our relationship, too. We’ve known each other 17 years, lived together for 10 wonderful years; then 4 years ago we had problems and I moved out. But we never really let go of each other. About a year ago I started trying to mend the relationship, started cleaning up my side of our street. About a month ago, I asked if I could move back in and we could try again. He agreed, and I move in 6 days. But I still worry that I ruined things forever.
Anxiety about trying again w boyfriend - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety about trying again w boyfriend

You can’t go back you can only go forward. It’s a new beginning. Shine☀️
You asked him and his reply was positive! Why back track now? Unless it is you? Just sayin!
Kat, trust that you and him will make it and think of all the fun you can have together! I hear me so much in your posts, the constant worrying (I hope you don’t take that the wrong way I mean I can relate) and I wish it were easy to relax and let things flow. So much of anxiety is driven by wanting to control things but we can’t! Do the best you can do in your relationship without hurting or denying yourself of your needs and let things flow. I hope that helps.
I do understand what you mean. The sane, logical part of my mind understands. The scared/anxious/low self-esteem part of my mind is the part that’s the problem.
Thank you for answering me.
Hi Kat63, you survived the 4 years you were a part. You know you can live without him but life with him is so much better. Stop worrying and start living. Either way, you’ve got this!