Hey everyone , these past few days were not particularly stressful or filled with anxiety, but somewhat uncomfortable, now im just feeling that i want to just write about it not for the need for an answer just to feel better by expressing these weird thoughts im having
This week was a bit rough , a couple days ago i went to the ER because i was sick , just the flu nothing too serious, he gave me a shot because i had an ear i fection and a sore throat as well, anywho he prescribed to me curam ..as im reading the possible side effects , some rare effects scared me and i didnt want to take it ...i became so anxious all day thinking if i dont take it i wont get better , and if i do i might get some of these once in a million side effects , i just became so frustrated in myself i never check the side effects i never care about it , when did i become this picky and worrying about any tiny thing that i consume, or go through ..i just felt so terrible because all day i became more worried about me being anxious over a tiny thing than the situation itself , very scary ..just not knowing what can happen, made me think about all the things happening in my life not just this simple thing
I took a pill so far and its ok , but i just feel dissapointed not because i became a bit anxious, it was tolerable, but because i expected myself to be much stronger, and i only wish i ca ever be mentally strong , i just cant stand not knowing what will happen, such as waiting for results, or something bad to happen, or thinking about the future, or college or anything ..people might believe it to be silly but im just worried over many things not worth worrying about ..and i have A levels this summer and results day is already scaring me , i barely got over results day last year , i panicked so hard that night , and im stronger mentally but still i cant seem to get a grasp and tell myself things that i know deep down are true, such as i will be ok regardless of whatever happens, and hatever happens will be for a reason , but as i said im dissapointed in myself ;(
Im happy about not panicking like before , im much better mentally but still, im mad because i have been through similar things, i know there is no use to anxiety, i know i dont need kt, i know it wont hurt me i know its harmless, and thats why its not as scary, but my heart palpitates and my suboncious sort of triggers a response even when i know i dont need to panic, and i guess ineed to work on that, hiwever im not worried , because im accepting anxiety and coping , and it doesnt feel terrible and unbearable like it once did , realizing my fears arent true was key