About a month ago I experienced my first panic attack. Not going to lie it scared the shit out of me. Full blown the feeling of throat swelling up heart pounding trembling and literally thinking you are dying. I begged my partner to call me an ambulance. Luckily she had experienced this in the past and knew what it was. About a week later I got the worst headache of my life. Horrible pain in the head accompanied by brutal pressure like feeling behind the eyes. Into day 4 of the headache I went to see a doctor who told me it was a tension headache due to stress and was amazed that id tried ibuprofen and low and behold the headache subsided. But it was the following weeks that worried me more. For about a week after the headache I just felt like I was floating around in life on autopilot. Almost like I was living in a dream like state. Very hard to explain. This feeling subsided in the end but the panic attacks continued. They tend to happen on a night when it's time for me to shut down and unwind. I have a lot going on in life. Debts that I'm struggling to manage, a fast paced demanding job, a 1 and a half year old boy who i love to bits, a partner to keep happy. We recently moved into a bigger house and some rooms still need decorating. We've had bother with rats in the loft, a leaky waste pipe under our downstairs toilet leading to a fly problem. Just seems to be one thing after another. I worry about the future of my child I worry my partner may leave me if I change too much. I returned to the doctor worried about my mental health he told me I'm displaying anxiety symptoms because of too much stress. Gave me a number to call for counselling which 2 weeks later I still haven't done. I do not feel suicidal I'm not generally unhappy in life but I just have this feeling of emptiness lurking over me which is hard to shake unless I occupy my mind. I am not myself anymore and this also worries me. Can anybody help me become myself again?
What is happening to Me?: About a month... - Anxiety and Depre...
What is happening to Me?

Hello, could be beginning signs of depression. I have felt emptiness before but that’s when I’m depressed. I take meds for my anxiety depression. I can relate because I have a 6 month year old daughter and my husband doesn’t understand depression anxiety. I also have a fast paced job. Well I’m working parttime now due to baby but with full workload so produces anxiety on me.
Just take one thing at a time. Panic attacks are real. I suffer with them. But there are meds to help. I would consult your doctor. Best wishes.
I was also given a number for counseling but have no time so this site is a great place.
The doctor said he didn't believe I was depressed as I was too stable talking about what is bothering me in life. He convinced me it's just a phase and will pass. Same I don't have the time to call for counselling life is just too full schedule. I haven't stopped doing things i enjoy I still play my PlayStation I still get happiness mainly from my son. My sex drive is still there, I still enjoy making love with my partner but it's decreased for sure. Just seems to be ups and downs but the downs are starting to be more often. I try to convince myself there's nothing wrong and it works temporarily. The emptiness is usually accompanied by a strange feeling in my head which is very hard to describe.
Try spiritual solutions look at scoan videos on YouTube and watch patiently