Yesterday was a really bad day. I really didn't feel like existing anymore. Today I am feeling a bit better. hoping and praying for brighter days to come and stay permanantly. I would like to be able to help people on this site and give advice. Can't do that when I'm a mess. Hope everyone is having a decent day.
My day is a little better than yester... - Anxiety and Depre...
My day is a little better than yesterday.

Hi purl1, there comes a time for each of us to help ourselves first before we can go
on in helping others. Right now you are at the point of taking those little steps forward
towards better days coming more often. Take it one day at a time, do not hope or wish but go with the flow of each day. Embrace the ones that are good. One day, you will be
passing it forward to others who like yourself are going through the same.
Believe in yourself and never give up. xx
Hi Purl1,
I’m so glad that you’re feeling better today! Do you want to talk about it? I’m having a so so day, myself. I’m in some physical pain and I know I need to do a few things around here, just can’t find the “umph”...
everyday I can't seem to get motivated. I pretty much do nothing all day with the exception of the day program I just started. Not sure if I'm going to keep going to that though. It get's really boring and my anxiety spikes so I get really uncomfortable. sorry to hear you are in pain.
Hi purl 🌤
Guess I should be taking it day by day. Anxiety is awful to experience. I have not gotten very much accomplished this weekend ,but I did manage to sleep in my bad last night. I had a pretty bad panic attack in bed last weekend so I've been on the couch all week. It's the small things I guess.
I'm glad you're having a better day. Unfortunately with depression we have to take the good with the bad and try and make the most of the good days