I'm having a bad day. I feel like a failure and worthless and once my day goes south it becomes a downward spiral with thoughts of suicide getting worse and dwelling on every mistake I've ever made.
Hope your better than me: I'm having a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hope your better than me

Hi Aaronm
I’m so sorry for how you are feeling right now...that downward spiral is a curse...😞
It can be turned around, don’t allow it to keep spiralling..
Break the cycle...do something you enjoy no matter how small..maybe look at some nice photos, listen to some nice music, or meditation...you don’t deserve to feel this way and I know how difficult it can be to break that spiral...keep the hope !
You’ve got us here and we understand..your not alone.
Wishing peace for you 🌺🌺

Thank you Olivia! I appreciate you!
You listen here, my friend! And you are my friend! You are not worthless. You are one of the most worthy people I know of! How many times have you helped me? How many times have you listened when I was down and needed an ear? If anyone ever tells me you are worthless and a failure, I will kick their butt!!! I am here for you today. You can pm me and we will talk all you need to. All day, if necessary. I mean it. Whatever set you off, tell me and get it off your chest. We need good, solid people like you out here. Talk to me, friend!!
That mind is trying to play tricks on you today! You are so very worthy of being here! Wishing you much love today!
Your right! I need to rise up and be victorious.
That’s what I’m talking about ! 😊
Just tell it you’ve been down that road and the past is just that...the past. Today, however; is a new day with lots of great things in store for you. Just like tomorrow too. Sometimes it needs a reminder or a good “polishing” to get it over the “scratch “ in the disk that keeps repeating the same stuff over and over.
Sir you replied to my post this morning.
How can you be worthless?
You care about a stranger who only found his way here yesterday.
We all made, and will make mistakes. We all have a past and regrets.
You can't change yesterday. Deal with tomorrow...tomorrow.
Today is all that matters.
Today you cared about me...and others.
They are returning that favor. As am I.
Thank you for caring.
And allowing me to care.
God bless you...and me.
Lovely 😊 and so true !
Your very nice Dominic!
I will have my bad days Aaron.
Be there for me, Friend.
That is what we are all here for.
I may need you tomorrow.
I expect you to be there...

I will be but I occasionally miss posts. You can pm me
You are an integral part of a very caring group of people. I realize there are days that some will be here and some days they will not.
Just keep in mind that maybe one day I, or someone else, will reach out and you were the only person to respond...and saved their life.
You matter Sir. You are not worthless.
None of us are.
Keep fighting.

I will keep fighting. I have daily chronic thoughts of suicide. I can't help it. Most days I just dismiss them. Thank you!
I understand this may not take away your feelings right now, but I wanted to let you know you mean a lot to me and so many others here <3 I mean that, from the bottom of my heart aaronm. Try to take some time to be kind to yourself today. The downward spiral is truly awful and I really hope your day turns around soon.
Hi aaronm
Hugs and positive thoughts sent your way. I hope you can find something you enjoy doing and try and turn the day around for yourself. I know the downward spiral is tough to break but you can do it! Find some light during this dark moment. Alot of people care about you you certainly have worth! Please take care of yourself.
im sorry to hear your suffering I hope its a minor blip in your recovery.hoping the sun shines for you tomorrow.im forever going over my lives mistakes and it makes me down as well.try not dwell on past mistakes think about positives for the future.my recovery has stalled a bit but I like you will never give up.your a great supporter of people on here so now its our turn to support you.
Your right! I won't ever give up but sometimes I want to. I think about it but then dismiss those thoughts. On good days they go as quickly as they come. On bad days its hard.
Likewise monkey. Message me anytime friend and don't ever again think your alone!
yeah....probably most of us have been there and it just sucks. You gotta just hold onto your butt and get to the other side of this, cause you know it's this stinkin thinkin that this disease puts in your head...makes things seem much worse than they really are, and it can just be overwhelming and hard to see an end to it. Try to do one thing that will make you feel at least a bit comforted. And make a priority list of what you absolutely need to work on doing your best to resolve....what is realistic for right now, and what will have to take care of when you find solutions for later. Just one thing at a time for now, in the moment is good enough. It keeps you focused in a forward direction instead of just feeling stuck in a dead end my friend....do your best and that's good enough...there is no failure is trying.