Sleepless in Tennessee: ***CAUTION THIS... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Sleepless in Tennessee

12 Replies


The wife and kids went to bed early tonight so I decide to have some time to myself and watch some movies that I watched when I was younger. This has made me look back at my life and think about what I have left unaccomplished in my life and it turns out that is quite a bit. I know this is a safe place for me to express my feelings so here we go!

My anxiety has been caused by alot of things abusive father, loved ones passing, and so forth but I feel like another major part of my depression and anxiety is that I didn't marry my true love... I met my true love when I was 15 and man was she intriguing to me everyday was something new and I truly never deserved her but for some reason she still wanted to be with me. She was and still is so beautiful and everyday for us was like the first day and even in year 2 of our relationship we would still talk on the phone until 5-6 in the morning. We loved being together and around each other, but it ended almost as quick as it began... We were together for 2 1/2 beautiful years but for some reason the last month of our relationship we started to drift apart. She started going to parties and seemed to start becoming more interested in hanging out with her friends at parties then being with me which caused me to become anxious and jealous... I still remember the night that I wanted to change things and try to make everything work like they once did. It was election day 2008 and we had made the decision to have a day out together just the two of us. So I saved up my paycheck to do something really special for her and come the morning of she hit me with a bombshell letting me know that one of her friends was coming and that her friend was driving us. So needless to say I didn't get the chance to do anything special with her and in fact once they got there to pick me up they put me in the back seat and we literally drove around for 3-4 hours without either of them really including me or speaking to me about anything... After they dropped me off she didn't call me that night and after I tried to call her multiple times she finally answered and she was at a party celebrating the election of Obama which she had never mentioned to me or even invited me so I decided to wait until the next day to decide anything because I loved this girl so much that I didn't want to break up with her.

I had decided that night that I was going to wait and see if she called me any and if she didn't then I knew she was no longer interested in me and it was time to go separate ways. The next day when I woke up the first thing I done was got the phone and checked the caller id and her number wasn't there. I kept the phone by my side the entire day while doing things to try and keep my mind off what was going on. So I finally gave in at around 10-11 pm and decided to try to call her... When I called her brother answered and said she was already asleep which was highly unusual for her because she was a night owl.... I once again didn't break up with her I decided to wait it out and see what happened the next day.... The next day she did call me but I can't remember the time the only thing I can remember is that it was dark and raining because we lived beside a church and I was sitting under the church shelter when my dad started hollering for me... I came in and honestly I wasn't expecting him to be hollering because she was on the phone I thought he was hollering because it was getting late. When I got on the phone with her I honestly had nothing to say... I had this heaviness in my heart that made it seem like I had a knot in my throat and couldn't get many words out.... I think she knew by the tone of my voice and the lack of conversation that I was carrying on that something was wrong and she ended up breaking up with me before I could muster up the courage to do it first.... The last time I seen her was about 2 weeks later when she unexpectedly came to my house to get her clothes by that time she had moved on and found someone else but I didn't care I was just so happy to see her and I think she knew that I had been depressed because my mom had let her in and when she came to my room she had to wake me up because at this point I was sleeping ALL the time and she actually sit and talked to me for an hour or two which helped me tremendously... Before she left for the last time I asked her to wait and she faced towards me before she opened my bedroom door and I just looked at her and told her that I just wanted to get one last mental image of her before she was gone forever and her last response to me was " You can hug me if you want to " and immediately I grabbed her and gave her a huge bear hug and told her that I would always love her and thanks for everything. I wanted to kiss her so bad one last time but I couldn't I just wanted to have this memory this haunting loving memory.

Till this day I am not sure what happened, where we went wrong... If it was me or if it was her... I never got closure or an explanation, but she did bless me with the most amazing 2 1/2 years of my life and I will always be thankful to her for that, but the heaviness in my chest is still there, the pain is still there, and I think about her everyday...

I know this may not be the best place to post this but god it makes me feel so good just to talk about it and confess all of this here for the first time!

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12 Replies
Mumma_h profile image

Hey through my eyes, I just read your post . So sorry for your heartache!!! Heart break is just the worst. I think it's possible to rekindle the passion with your partner you're with now, remember your wedding day or the time you two fell in love . I've realised as I've gotten older its possible to work on something and find that love again with who you are with. If you had Married this other girl and she didn't reciprocate the same feelings you would've been treated badly and that would've been worse for you . Try if you can to think of it as a lovely memory and then try to put it out of your mind. I bet you're actually with the right person, bring out the best in each other. I. Am no love expert I chose the wrong person who abused me for 20 years, I married him because was head over heels in love, if it wasn't for my beautiful children he gave me , I would take it all back and marry a good person. He has totally destroyed me to the point of wanting to die. He tormented me day in day out because he was terribly abusive but also because he didn't love me like I loved him. I hope you have a love filled life with the family you have . ❤️

in reply to Mumma_h

My wife has blessed me with 3 beautiful kids and I wouldn't change that for the world but she has been emotionally abusive towards me for the past few years. She degrades me every chance she gets and is constantly yelling and screaming. I have done things to try and make our relationship work but I worry everyday about saying or doing the wrong thing. No relationship should have that worry in it.

Mumma_h profile image
Mumma_h in reply to

I'm so sorry to hear that, being put down and degraded is awful and damaging. it sounds like she's playing on your anxiety and depression and making it worse. Have you tried standing up to her( in a non abusive way of course)? Tell her what she's doing is wrong and that she has problems too if she feels the need to speak to you in that way . Please take care , emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical

Chappy6 profile image

I have a similar experience, only my “true love” and I have reconnected!

I’m still married (24 years) with 2 kids but considering moving on. I haven’t been in love with my wife for several years and now I might have an opportunity to what I hope will be a good “restart”! The only issue I have is hurting my kids (12 & 15 year old girls). It’s a battle in my head!

in reply to Chappy6

I am also going through something similar where me and my current wife have 3 kids together and I feel like I face my problems everyday by myself... All alone and she doesn't understand nor does she even care to understand. It is all about her each and everyday and when I am not mentally stable enough to do what she wants to she cusses me out, repeatedly tells me how much she hates me and that she might as well be single... I fell out of love with my wife a long time ago and honestly she is partly to blame for the anxiety that I have because everyday it feels like I am walking barefoot on glass.

KrierandRosie profile image

So you are married to someone you don’t love?

Chappy6 profile image
Chappy6 in reply to KrierandRosie

It happens, I am as well!

in reply to KrierandRosie

I did love her at one point, but when she turned against me because of my depression and anxiety it caused me to turn against her entirely. She calls me a f*ucking hermit atleast 2-3 times a day because my anxiety caused me to develop agoraphobia. She tells me that I act stupid atleast 5-6 times a day because I start to panic and can't breathe. I suffer emotionally everyday that I am with her at this point.

KrierandRosie profile image
KrierandRosie in reply to

That is horrible. You are struggling and she needs to be sympathetic. Is there any way you can leave? No one needs a spouse like that.

in reply to KrierandRosie

I can't really leave because I panic when I go outside and she knows that. I have tried to talk her into leaving I even tried to give her the car and whatever else she wanted to just leave me alone but she won't. I also can't force her to leave because the house is in her name too so I am just stuck until I can find a way to beat my anxiety so I can leave here but the way she talks down to me makes it alot worse. I am also not an aggressive person I am kind to everyone by nature so I literally just sit here and take it without saying much back... and honestly some of the things she does and says puts me at a loss for words anyways =/

KrierandRosie profile image

You are not treating yourself right. Can you join any groups to get you away from the house? There are others in tough situations.

KrierandRosie profile image

Try turning the tables on HER! Pick her flaws and comment on those endlessly. Let her get angry. Tell her what a vicious bitch she is and how no one would tolerate her, not even you.

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