I just realized that loneliness starts not with number of people around us... it’s true that we can be in a place full of people and still feel very lonely.
My cell phone is buzzing all day long with messages and I’m with my mother and father. They love visitors so pretty much all the time there is someone over. But: I’m deadly lonely.
I’m actually ALONE with my problems and my pains. It’s either that I do not trust people to share my struggle with or when I’m at my highest with courage they do not understand me or don’t even give a damn.
It’s been almost a year on this forum and whenever I would have any concern I would most openly share it here. Wishing for feedback, advices, empathy... any sort of company or help.
Sometime ago I realized that I also withdraw myself from here. It’s either my depression growing or just strong feeling that my negativity keeps people away.
So here I am - my struggle keeps growing at a faster pace and so my loneliness with it. My friend at high school would alway repeat a quote - at the end we are all alone - and anytime she would say it I would get goosebumps all over my body. I felt alone by that time and I guess I’m even more alone today.