Unfortunately, I drank the poisonous Koolaid of my youth believing that what was most important in life was becoming a self-sufficient "career woman" moving to the beat of my own drum. However, 15 years ago my mother succumbed to dementia that lasted for10 years beginning in my 50s. Suddenly, I asked myself for the first time who will take care of me or at least check up on me occasionally when I enter my elderly years (75 and older) since I've never married and do not have any children nor, any nieces or nephews in the area.
Due to relocating several hours away from my NY hometown at 40, a career move, I don't have close friends like the ones I've known nearly all my life. They too, have relocated to other states that are not close enough to make quick trips. I never met the "one" guy I could see myself marrying and now I am all alone. If I could have predicted my future back then, I would have had a child even though I would have preferred to be married. Now that I am retired, I become so filled with anxiety of living alone and spending most of my time alone except for regular workouts at my gym where I also get to socialize a bit. I make myself get out of the house otherwise I am reminded daily of the loneliness and isolation I feel. It is unbearable. I've tried dating apps and I've never seen so much rudeness and ghosting in my life. Worst of all, I dread doctor visits where I must list an emergency number if something should happen to me. This is pathetic. I keep looking for opportunities to make real friendships that go beyond joining groups with few people that one can truly bond with.
So lonely and blue.