Severe sudden anxiety: Hi everyone, I... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Severe sudden anxiety

UglyDuckling546 profile image
31 Replies

Hi everyone, I am new to the platform and just wanted to share what I am going through, I have been struggling with anxiety for a long time however feel that over the last few months it has gotten much worse.It now seems to be triggered by anything especially media such as TV, movies and games I haven't come across anyone feeling like this and would be happy if anyone who has similar experience or ways to help would reach out.

Thank you for taking time to read this

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UglyDuckling546 profile image
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31 Replies
Coolgreys profile image

hi there! We’re the same age and this started happening to me within the past few years. I would not discount the mysteries of perimenopause. My anxiety flares up the 10-14 days before my period. My blood work shows normal hormone levels but I just don’t think there’s enough science for women’s health yet. I’d keep my eye on that while seeking adjustments in medication, increase therapy sessions, and get some fun cardio in at least once a week. And rest when you don’t feel well. Anxiety is an illness after all. I hope you start feeling better soon.

UglyDuckling546 profile image
UglyDuckling546 in reply toCoolgreys

Thank you so much I hadn't even thought about that I will keep an eye on it. Thank you for reaching out I would love to learn more about exactly what you are going through

Coolgreys profile image
Coolgreys in reply toUglyDuckling546

There’s also a ‘menopause and perimenopause support’ forum on healthunlocked if you check the search bar. I have not utilized it enough as I’m new to perimenopause as well but the women on there seem rich with experience and eagerness to support. They directed me to links for supplements to manage symptoms and other support groups.

I track my daily moods/anxiety level and period so I have a log I can look back on when I start feeling unwell again. Half the month my anxiety is intense. Then I feel alright for about a week. It’s a bit of comfort to know it’s biological and systemic and cyclical so it alleviates some of the anxiety about having sudden intense anxiety. I take evening primrose oil at the recommendation of that support group as well as chaste berry supplements, and omega-3s. The list continues to grow. I haven’t tried hormone replacement therapy yet but I suspect the time will eventually come and I hear it works like a charm for most women. Definitely speak with your gynecologist about it during your next visit. Women’s health is likely going to be a huge factor in the next coming years for us.

UglyDuckling546 profile image
UglyDuckling546 in reply toCoolgreys

Yes I am taking evening primrose pills at the minute, have just started so will seeAlso magnesium

NanCeder5 profile image
NanCeder5 in reply toCoolgreys

This is really really interesting. I agree with you that there is not enough research done on women’s health in terms of menopause/perimenopause. I do believe I’m going into the perimenopause phase of my life, and for me it’s really hard to tell whether events over the past year that have been particularly stressful and triggering have been the root of my anxiety, or whether it really is hormonal based. Everyone says that your sleep often gets affected in perimenopause, and I have not been sleeping particularly well for a long time now. I fall asleep just fine, but I wake up every couple of hours worrying about everything and it’s exhausting. I also started noticing I was getting severe headaches, almost at the exact time of the start of my period week every month. Not every month, but fairly regularly, and I know this is another sign of that. I, like you, have started keeping a journal of these symptoms to try and help me track what’s going on. I can’t afford any type of therapy right now or any additional medical stuff, so I’m kind of left to navigate these waters on my own, but it’s interesting to read other people going through it. I will check out that other menopause group in the search bar. Thank you!

UglyDuckling546 profile image
UglyDuckling546 in reply toNanCeder5

I have had headaches too, I have migraines anyway so didn't realise this could be linked, thank you

linuxusr profile image

Hello UglyDuckling546: To help you better, I need more information. What is the nature of your anxiety? Where do you experience it, more in your body or mind? Do you have anxiety attacks. The two principal avenues for resolving anxiety are medication and therapy. What's your status there? Plus, there is a third avenue, what I call "adjuncts." For these, there are many such as mindfulness, diaphragmatic breathing, grounding exercises and more. If you can provide some more details, then I'll be most happy to do whatever I can to help you feel better or at least put you on the path to feeling better.

UglyDuckling546 profile image
UglyDuckling546 in reply tolinuxusr

Thank you for reaching out it's both in my mind and body, I have chest pain stomach pain and a feeling of doom constantlyTherapy I have and have tried meditation mindfulness etc but this time it has become so bad that I can't control it, medication is something I didn't want but may now have too

linuxusr profile image
linuxusr in reply toUglyDuckling546

Many are the patient who suffer chest pain, go to Emergency expecting a possible cardiac issue, only to find that the cause is anxiety! So the first step would be to make an appointment with your GP to evaluate the GI and the chest pain issues and to rule out (or in) physical causes independent of anxiety. Do you have anxiety attacks?

UglyDuckling546 profile image
UglyDuckling546 in reply tolinuxusr

Yes I have anxiety attacks I have been to The doctors and they have ruled out any medical cause, it's so terrible when it happens though it feels strange to know anxiety can cause that much pain

linuxusr profile image
linuxusr in reply toUglyDuckling546

From my psychoanalyst, M.D., professor in a school of medicine, in a major university in the United States, I learned that the breathing technique “pursed lip breathing,” if applied correctly, will PREVENT an anxiety attack. The basic reason why it is successful is because the mechanism that ensues after an anxiety attack initiates is biochemical and can be reversed in minutes. That biochemical pathway is complex but it is not necessary to understand it for the technique to work. However, I’m going explain the basic idea so that you can see that the mechanism is science based. The anxiety attack begins with hyperventilation. In hyperventilation there is a shift from long and slow breathing to rapid and shallow breathing. When this shift occurs excess carbon dioxide is exhaled. Although carbon dioxide is a respiratory waste product, it also performs a critical function. That function is to buffer and maintain the blood pH in equilibrium. The range of that equilibrium is very narrow, and if it is exceeded, it produces a condition known as respiratory alkalosis, where the blood pH is now too basic (alkaline) and in disequilibrium. It is this disequilibrium that is the cause of the symptoms of an anxiety attack. This disequilibrium can be reversed in about one minute, using “pursed lip” breathing, which increases carbon dioxide saturation in the blood and restoring normal equilibrium.

The technique (introduction): For the technique to work best it is ideal if you initiate “pursed lip” breathing near the beginning of hyperventilation. If you proceed with the technique during the anxiety attack, my external sources confirm that the symptoms can be reversed but I have not evaluated this from own experience (I have always prevented anxiety attacks successfully). Here’s the bottom line: You must learn to pay attention to your breathing patterns and to know when there is a shift to hyperventilation. If you are so agitated that you cannot pay attention to your breathing and you do not know that you are hyperventilating, then the technique will not work ideally. It is best to arrest the process of pH disequilibrium early on, near the beginning of hyperventilation when excess CO2 is leaving the system. If you are NOT SURE if you are hyperventilating, apply the technique anyway, no harm, no foul.

The technique itself: “Pursed lip” breathing has been around for many years. It is the main strategy used for sufferers of COPD but the mechanism for COPD patients is different from the mechanism for us who suffer anxiety attacks: different mechanism but same technique. The idea of the lips being “pursed” is that when you press your lips together, that this slows the rate of the exhale which means that the exhale is prolonged. I recommend that you search YouTube videos for pursed lip breathing instruction and that you select videos by health professionals such as nurse practitioners. Practice the technique when you are NOT anxious until it is easy to do. I experience a little dizziness, which is uncomfortable, but it passes quickly. YMMV. Since my doctor explained this technique to me about two years ago, I have not had a single anxiety attack. But I have successfully aborted 25+ anxiety attacks with 100% success. Note that this technique does NOT resolve GAD when the magnitude of the anxiety is < that of an anxiety attack. Can you guess why? (Answer: The mechanism behind GAD is the engagement of the sympathetic branch of the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) or "fear/flight" response whereas the mechanism behind anxiety attacks is blood alkalinity--a completely different mechanism. FYI, vagus nerve stimulation via diaphragmatic breathing (need to learn this) will reduce symptoms of GAD by engaging the parasymapthetic branch of the ANS, which controls rest and digestion, and counters the effect of the flight/flight mechanism.

For members who learn and use this technique, I request that you report your results here for further tweaking and discussion. Critically, I would like to know if there is anyone for whom this technique does NOT work. That would need to be investigated. Given the mechanism involved, it seems to me that, if pursed lip breathing is done correctly AND at the right time (beginning of hyperventilation), that failure is highly unlikely. That is because the mechanism is hard-wired.

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply tolinuxusr

How do you stop anxiety attacks happening in the first place?Techniques appease anxiety, they don't treat the cause [fear] so doesn't get rid of it completely.

How did I get rid of my GAD?

That requires a change of mindset, to willingly draw the sting of anxiety until it no longer matters. To continually pass through fear and come out the other side until the sufferer realises that there is nothing to fear, through their own experience.

Fear is the common denominator that sits in the driving seat. Overcome fear [or fearing the feelings of fear] and anxiety is consigned to the bin.

Best wishes!

linuxusr profile image
linuxusr in reply toBeevee

Ah, how do you prevent anxiety attacks from happening in the first place? That's the million dollar question. First of all, since an anxiety attack occurs as a function of respiratory alkalosis, which can be reversed in minutes, an anxiety attack can be prevented, 100% guaranteed, not just "appeased" as you indicate. Besides that, I can think of three answers to the question (and that includes GAD). First. Anxiety is a function of the sympathetic branch of the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System), also referred to as the "fear/flight" response. It is a survival mechanism conserved for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years among a wide range of organisms. Not only can this anxiety state not be prevented, you would not want it to be prevented, as it is a necessary survival mechanism that is hard-wired for the preservation of the species. Second. The second cause of anxiety is organic and when that's the case, medication or other treatments (e.g. ECT) are an option. Third. The third cause is dynamic, a function of a mental disturbance, for example, a maladaptive coping mechanism. For that, psychiatry is an option. It is for reasons two and three, that the scientific consensus is that for increased probability of success, both therapy and medication are indicated.

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply tolinuxusr

Respiratory Alcalosis [hyperventilation] is a symptom of anxiety. Granted, in an anxious state, a sufferer can easily become afraid of hyperventilating, thus forming the perfect storm.

Fear, adrenalin / fear / hyperventilation, producing yet more fear.

When I refer to anxiety, I'm talking about intense levels of anxiety at inappropriate times. It interferes with daily living and the unfortunate reason this forum is so busy. The fight flight response is on constant alert and triggered very easily, all day, every day and often random.

Fear or being afraid of the symptoms of fear is always the root cause, whether it be intrusive thoughts or physical feelings. Anxiety usually forms because of poorly handled stress, trauma, guilt, disgrace etc.

More often than not, the sufferer has forgotten why they developed anxiety or doesn't know. Their biggest problem is their struggle with the symptoms.

I flushed away all medication because I realised that it could never help me to overcome fear and didnt want to rely upon medication. If I recovered, was it because of the medication or down to me?

I gave up all techniques too because they don’t address the root cause either, nor do they address nerve sensitisation which produces chronic anxiety.

This is why people spiral downwards when they come off medication. They crumple at the first sign of the symptoms returning because they haven't learnt how to cope the right way by continually passing through fear and seeing for themselves that it is all just a confidence trick and not based on reality.

Acceptance creates the space for nerves to desensitise and for our default peaceful settings [mind and body] to return.

All my ireational fears completely disappeared

This is how I recovered.

Best wishes.

linuxusr profile image
linuxusr in reply toBeevee

Respiratory alkalosis is not a symptom of anxiety. It is the cause of panic attacks (but not GAD). You're right about the feedback loop.

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply tolinuxusr

Any condition that leads to hyperventilation can cause alkalosis, including anxiety, pregnancy, respiratory conditions and mechanical ventilation. What conditions can cause a person to hyperventilate? Panic.

What causes panic?


UglyDuckling546 profile image
UglyDuckling546 in reply tolinuxusr

This is great advise thank you, I will look at using this technique

linuxusr profile image
linuxusr in reply toUglyDuckling546

Check out my steps below. This will make it a lot easier for you. Let me know what happens.

linuxusr profile image
linuxusr in reply tolinuxusr

Oooops! linuxusr again: The above is a wee bit complicated and detailed, so "cutting to the chase":

To PREVENT an anxiety attack:

1. When you are not anxious, search for and watch YouTube videos, preferably by healthcare professionals, on "pursed lip" breathing.

2. Practice this technique when you are not so anxious. Like anything new that you learn, it takes a little practice.

3. If you are feeling anxious, decide if your breathing is normal or not. If it is normal and you want some relief, segue to diaphragmatic breathing (another story). If it is fast and shallow (hyperventilation), immediate begin "pursed lip" breathing.

4. It doesn't matter what position you are in but it's best to be comfortable, either sitting or lying down. Proceed with cycles of "pursed lip" breathing. How many? That depends on the individual. For me, four cycles will prevent an anxiety attack. But, to be sure, I do 5-10. You cannot do too many but you can do too few, so be on the safe side.

5. If you are not sure if you are hyperventilating--believe me, it's easy to miss because when you're very anxious you generally are not paying attention--then do it anyway. If you were not going to have an anxiety attack, then no harm, no foul.

6. If you apply this method and it does not prevent your anxiety attack, then it would be helpful to report back here and we'll sort it. Since it's a biochemical mechanism with a known solution it should work 100% of the time, guaranteed. Remember, this method does NOT work for GAD (different mechanism).

hypercat54 profile image

Sorry to hear this. But never mind our resident Guru is here again to help :)

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply tohypercat54


Beevee profile image

Hi there

Please don't worry about the things that trigger your anxiety and spend time trying to understand why.

They are likely to be different from one anxiety sufferer to the next and depend on a number of things, including:

A] the subject may resonate with you so you place belief in the content of those thoughts and feelings, mainly because they demand your attention [anxiety is great at this]. This is how I developed relationship and health anxiety. It also tried to latch itself on to other things but I didn't react so they faded away.

B] You just happened to be watching TV when your anxiety coincidentally spiked so now you associate TV with anxiety, creating a trigger.

Your triggers are no different to an agoraphobic person who won't go out because they had a panic attack in the local shop or cinema etc. It's not the shop or cinema they fear, its the fear of having another panic attack so they avoid going out! They are no different to a person who felt anxious socialising so they withdraw because it makes them feel awkward.

If I was a betting man, I'd say it is B.

The subject of irrational fears doesn't matter because they are all the figment of an anxious brain and won't be there when you recover. I know this through experience.

The great thing is, the cure for all anxiety symptoms is the same.

Allow yourself to be triggered, go towards those perceived fears willingly but instead of engaging with the content [why am I feeling anxious scrolling though social media?? 😱😱😱] observe the content then let the thoughts and feelings go, offering no resistance.

In other words, accept the thoughts and feelings and they will eventually fade away. It is your resistance to anxiety that makes it sticky and hangs around.

I've posted alot of stuff on this forum about acceptance, what to do with those anxious thoughts [nothing] and how to overcome it all which you might find helpful.

Hope this helps!

UglyDuckling546 profile image
UglyDuckling546 in reply toBeevee

Thank you for respondingYes that does help but I find it's not because I was watching TV at the time but because of what happened in what I was watching if that makes sense

So for example someone goes through something and I feel like it will happen to me then my anxiety falres and I can no longer watch that particular series I know it's not logical but the pain I experience is intense and I can't stop thinking about it

I will take a look at your posts

Thank you!

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply toUglyDuckling546

Yes I understand completely and my initial response applies. My anxiety spiked if I watched any TV show about relationhips, including break ups! So much so, I thought I'd have to leave my wife to avoid those anxious feelings.

It was all rubbish generated by anxiety but I had to face that fea and let it all come. You can't get rid of anxiety unless you allow yourself to feel it all willingly, not through gritted teeth.

Memory and habit play a big part so even when you are fully accepting, you will continue to be triggered for a while longer but will all eventually fade away, the more you face those fears and accept all the scary symptoms that come with that.

UglyDuckling546 profile image
UglyDuckling546 in reply toBeevee

Yes this is exactly how I feel, thank you it helps to know that I'm not alone in feeling this waySo you mean just watch something and if something makes me anxious don't stop? Just let myself feel that way and eventually it will stop?

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply toUglyDuckling546

Yes. With a relaxed attitude [what will be, will be] instead of through gritted teeth.There were times that I was just too anxious to be in the same room as my wife but I kept putting myself in the firing line and sitting there, accepting what came. At other times, those anxious thoughts just weren't there and realised anxiety was superficial and stopped given those thoughts the attention they needed to survive.

UglyDuckling546 profile image
UglyDuckling546 in reply toBeevee

Ok thank you so much I will try this, at this point I'm willing to try anything I'm just glad I came across someone who has been through the same thing and has got through it 😀

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply toUglyDuckling546

Just to clarify, acceptance is not something you try. It is not a technique [sticking plaster].

It's all about developing a genuine passive attitude towards the symptoms. My barometer for acceptance was when I stopped complaining about the symptoms, stopped seeking reassurance, all because of what I had learnt about anxiety and depression.

I knew what I was up against, how it manifested and how I unwittingly got myself into the mess [poorly handled stress and then stressing about the symptoms of stress and the anxiety that developed]. I also learnt how acceptance works and is the key to recovery.


UglyDuckling546 profile image
UglyDuckling546 in reply toBeevee

So by acceptance you just mean I know it's coming and instead of trying to stop it I feel it even if it hurts, let it wash over me and eventually it will stop having control on me?

Beevee profile image
Beevee in reply toUglyDuckling546

Yes. Practice by relaxing as much as you can when you feel the symptoms coming and like you say, let them wash over you with as much acceptance as you can muster. Think of it being a willow tree bending with the wind or a sail boat being tossed about in rough weather.

The more you practice walking through the storm, the easier it gets and the symptoms dissipate. It becomes second nature, an automated response.

People don't realise that the way out is to stop trying to control anxiety. It doesn't work like that.

It's a natural human reaction to control, avoid, suppress or deliberately distract themselves to stop feeling uncomfortable but it has the opposite effect.

You actually regain control of your life by giving up control. Time is the healer and accept that too. Accept it all.

UglyDuckling546 profile image

Thank you!

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