I woke up this morning to a very cold -43 c outside with the windchill. Needless to say, I will be staying in where it is safe. I will probably spend a good part of my day in the kichen, doing some crosswords and on a little self care. It left me wondering what do all of you do to help pass a cold winter's day?
What is your favorite thing to do on ... - Anxiety and Depre...
What is your favorite thing to do on a cold winter's day?

Yikes! I have a friend in Canada so I never complain about what I think is cold.
I'm going to shovel my beautiful snowfall soon. Once that is done it's hunker down with a book and hang out with my little 🦔.
Stay warm
Thank you Dolphin14. Canada does indeed have very extreme temperatures in some parts of the country. Very cold in winter to very hot in summer.
-43° C has to be with wind chill. that’s life threatening weather.
It's cold here but not that cold. Clearly the local Park "flasher" thinks its cold because I hear he's keeping his long coat firmly buttoned up and describing himself to his victims 😉
Wow thats really cold. Pretty cold here in midwest but not that bad! -15c here. Ill just go about my normal routine bundled up! Need to see my sis in nursing home. Good to get the car warmed up. Then ill probably just come back and sit and read and knit and perhaps spin a bit. I have such a backlog of fleece ill never catch up.
That sounds lovely! If it was -15c here, I would probably bundle up and go for a walk. -15c is bearable for me. Thanks for your response!
I cant believe they closed the schools here. That would never have happened when we were kids! We are raising a whole gerneration of pampered wimpy kids🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yeah, they don't make them like they used to.When it gets cold, our generation would go out and buy candles.
And when it gets REALLY cold 🥶 we'd light them 🕯🕯🕯
Beevee if you ever seen A Christmas Story, the movie hat is exactly howvwe were dressed for winter and school when i was little. The teachers would help the little ones in and out of their snowsuits and every one had mitten clips or strings. Hats with earflaps were common for the boys and scarves were tied around your face if i t was really cold. I remember going out with my dad after a foot and a half of snow to help the neighbors dig out our street so the dads could get to work. People helped each other.
I don't think I have seen that movie but think I get the idea!
Winters here are pretty mild and rarely dips below zero [32f] . We do get a bit of snow from time to time but doesn't usually amount to much. I enjoy skiing and have been to France, Austria & Italy.
Today is the coldest day this winter. I'm just going to walk on my treadmill, wait for my new washer to be delivered, and try to write. As soon as I can get my butt out of bed.
The low is 12 degrees here in Northern Virginia.
I admit I have a grudge against smart phones.
It went off last night with a screaming alert: dangerous cold, severe snowfall.
We get this much snow regularly. Cold and windchills are just part of our winters. What's the point except to make people careless when a storm is unexpected?
blankets and cats time
Indoors but I do have to brave the cold temps to walk my babies(dogs) They do their business faster in the winter and for that I am glad.