I'm still not doing very well again today. I'm either numb and not energetic, or I'm crying. I wish I could just snap out of it. I can't get my head to shut up either! It's these spiritual struggles that's triggering it. I'm really just tired, and I would like things to be normal again. I really just want someone to hug me and tell me everything will be okay.
Still Struggling: I'm still not doing... - Anxiety and Depre...
Still Struggling

Virtual hug! ❤️ What kind of spiritual struggles are you having?

I don't know if I really want to go into details. Let's just say it's a headful. Can't seem to shut it down, and I just wish I could have some kind of divine revelation to tell me what is real.
I understand. I would recommend reading the power of Intention, Dwayne Dyer. It's about a higher power or energy, whatever you want to call it. All religions just about worship the same being, just under different names. It helped me alot with that as well as positivity bringing positive things into your life. I live by it now.

What about people's experiences that talk about eternal damnation? I know that's not the majority, but say, for example, the Qur'an, which was a spiritual encounter the Prophet Muhammad had? In Surah 2, it corrects people for saying that hell is only temporary. I suppose I could just dismiss the Qur'an as fake, but I really do think Muhammad was in an altered state and was having some kind of revelation. How do I reconcile this with other spiritual experiences that say that hell is unreal or, at worst, only temporary? How do I know which is true? To be clear, I do not identify as Muslim, but, as someone who listens to all sacred texts, I've really been struggling with the Qur'an lately. These questions won't leave me alone, and I'm so worried about the idea of damnation (or of the idea of some revelations only being partially true, which opens a whole other can of worms) that it's taking a toll on my brain!
I have a catholic background but have studied many religions. I do think hell is real and not temporary. If so, you live your life as a good person.

So some people just have to suffer for eternity with no second chance? It just doesn’t feel right to me.
I know. It's just what I believe. Research it any make your own conclusions.
But if you don't murder and commit heinous crimes you should be good. No worries. If you do, you ask for forgiveness. I believe if you believe in christ and that he was crucified for our sins you will go to heaven, that and asking for forgiveness for your sins.
Hugs from me. How I know what that feels like when you just crave another to hold you so that all will be OK! Please know that your nerves are tricking you into thinking as you do. You must resist those feelings and retrain your nerves and eventually you’ll be able to tolerate things differently. In the meantime, this is a great place to vent and for support!
What kind of divine revelation would satisfy you?
You know mvillarreal, God is not far off. I think you are really wanting to know God and want to meet Him. You CAN know Him! God gave us the Bible so that we can know Him and meet Him in a personal way. God has revealed Himself to us through the Bible which has been written over 1500 years by over 40 authors as God led and inspired these many authors. God loves you sooooo much! His love for you is beyond your wildest imaginations. "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him."
So, you CAN hear God's word, you CAN know His love poured into your heart...and God WILL guid you though all your doubts... just as he did me! :))
I love you, mvillarreal. I pray you will find much success in your search for the Truth!!!