I'm really struggling this morning. I've had severe anxiety and depression for about a year and a half (actually my whole life), and nothing seems to be helping. I'm on 450 mg. Wellbutrin (the 5th anti-depressant I've tried), getting therapy once a week and trying to stay busy. I don't have any close friends or family nearby, so it's just my husband and me. What I'm feeling is the frustration of not being well enough to do all the things I see other people doing.....traveling, visiting friends and family, just enjoying life. I'm watching the world go by and I don't feel like I'm part of it (I know this is the depression talking, but it's very real). I feel so isolated and alone and afraid. I live in a beach community and there are a lot of young people enjoying the beach in their cute little bathing suits, and I'm 70 and mourning my lost youth. My doctor is talking about either trying new meds or microdosing (both are scaring me) and I have lost my confidence in being able to make decisions. I've always had a lot of faith in God, but I feel abandoned in all of this. I try to stay as positive as I can, but the last few days have been really hard. There are those sayings about "you're right where you're supposed to be" and "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." Even though I've believed those things in the past, right now they seem so stupid. I'm struggling and suffering and don't feel like I'm making any progress. This illness isn't like other ones where you can see a light at the end of the tunnel.....the tunnel just goes on and on and on. My heart goes out to everyone on this site who knows what I'm talking about. Thanks for being there....though I wish we all weren't.
Struggling: I'm really struggling this... - Anxiety and Depre...

Dearest Woolybluecurl reminiscing and grieving as what use to be gets us no where.
If we are lucky enough to have experienced the decades in our lives, we are blessed.
Remember, we are the ones who write each Chapter of our Journey.
Looking at what others can accomplish is a choice they make to keep themselves active
and make memories. We unfortunately, allow anxiety/depression to control our lives.
sad but true.
The answer is not solely in a pill form, it is a learned behavior that we have attached to ourselves
maybe even all our lives. It was expected by us and so we went along for the ride, never
trying to change the path. As we age, we look back at all we may have missed but unless
we stop that path of destruction, we tend to exist and not live.
Time to focus on the blessings all around you. Remember you are not alone, there are
multitude of people who as they age who can't travel and feel the loneliness that you do.
I've always found that what I'm feeling, I know others may be going through the same
thing. This always offered me an opportunity to change my life along with others.
Don't envy the Bikini Babies, this is their time just as we had. Time to write the next
Chapter of your journey. So much you can still do. Time passes whether we become
hopeless or continue on with goals still in sight. Believe in that . xx
I hope you are feeling better.
If you read my bio you will see we have a lot in common. I am new here trying to reach out to people that can understand my situation, if someone can help me great, and being 58 maybe I can help someone that thinks nobody can understand, will I will certainly try.
Please feel free to contact me.
Hi I know your post is old but I want to say I know what you are going through because it’s pretty similar to my experience. I am 68 and trying out my 4th antidepressant. I will try you by chat. Please know you are not alone!
I can relate to so much of what you shared. I've been on antidepressants for many years. I am a believer and I am struggling with FELLING God/Holy Spirit.
I'm so sorry you have gone through this. Are you any better? I unfortunately can relate with everything you wrote. My mornings are horrible and I also do not feel any comfort from God. I have no hope, no joy no laughter. My wife is exhausted by it and I'm sorry she has to be married to someone who has no joy. This is a wicked disease.