Regardless of my thoughts these past years , all my fears were not real
It was 5am , i had left hand numbness and pain , i could barely think straight , i was panicking and my bp was like 150/90 or something on my bp home device, i was so hyper measuring it every 2 minutes, waking up my mom and telling her im having a heart attck , she held me and told me go to sleep beside me its ok , your thoughts dont have to be true ..just because they are in control now doesnt mean u cant sneak up from behind and realize when to know that you are fine , she made me realize all the scary thoughts i got whenever i seen a show or thought of a horror movie , or a story i was told , it all gets to your head and you only have to get logic , im young and healthy , i am a severe hypochondriac , realized that the only reason we become stressed is because we are afraid of whats next , just knowing that its not that easy to get a heart attack or its not that simple for your fear to become a reality , will help up big time , knowing that i dont have any risk , young , active and all sort of stress is just causing this panic attack , and getting support will calm me , im just shaking thinking of those days , i still suffer but its far less intense