Been experiencing anxiety/depression for over a decade now. It has its ebbs and flows, but up until about three years ago I’d say that I felt like I mostly had things under control. Lately it seems like I’ll have a good couple months here or there before feeling like an utter mess again.
I go to therapy regularly, take meds, try to seek out healthy support. And yet I can’t seem to shake this feeling of general unease. I feel so abnormal, like everyone else is going through life able to do these awesome things and I can’t do the smallest tasks someday without panic overwhelming me.
I’m a high achiever that generally looks good on paper, so I don’t really understand why I feel t the way I do; sometimes, I look at my life and think that I have no reason to be depressed and anxious because there are many other people who would love to be in my shoes. But the feelings are still there, kind of ever present in a sense.
Does it ever get better? I’ve gone through periods where I’ve almost felt “cured” but I always seem to end up sinking back into depression, every single time.