I wish I could get this message out to EVERY woman on this site. PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE be careful while online dating. I spoke to a guy yesterday on the phone for the first time. I got his last name, but did not get the correct spelling, so I didn't google him. I ALWAYS google men before i meet them. So tonight, I met him at a restaurant, he seemed pleasant, I didn't get the WOW factor, but I would have seen him again. He made it known that he liked me and would like to see me again. So on the date, I asked him the correct spelling of his name. After i got settled in at home, I googled him and he came up as a level one SEX OFFENDER!!!!! I actually feel.SICK right now!!! This happened in 1996. He was a home attendant for a severley mentally and physically handicapped young man. (26 years old). They had installed cameras in the home which he knew nothing about. Over the course of 2 days, he had 4 sexual counts against him!!!! It doesn't say online what exactly the counts were, but it doesn't matter. I CANNOT BELIEVE I WENT OUT WITH A MAN WHO SEXUALLY ABUSED A MAN WHO WAS INCAPACITATED. I FEEL.SICK!!!! And I would have met him again, had I not found this out!!! PLEASE LADIES-I'M BEGGING YOU-PLEASE TRY TO FIND OUT AS MUCH INFORMATION AS YOU CAN BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO MEET SOMEONE!!!. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED TONIGHT.

Better safe than sorry 💕 I’m sorry this happened to you!! Nowadays we have to be very very careful.. others use us so easily
Thanks for the warning. I was just thinking about trying a dating service but now I will think twice about it.
Wow im so sorry this happened to you! Stay safe
Thank you. I just wanted to get the news out to everyone. Do.as.much search on someone as possible, before you meet them.
Thank you. I sure hope so.
don't beat yourself up....nobody really knows anyone....even after living with someone for years you may not completely know them really and they may have some secrets that would have sent you packing. I lived with someone who used people to gain financially. Narcs. and sociopaths are expert manipulators and can play the game for years without giving themselves away. Even those of us who are well educated and fairly intelligent get taken advantage of by these expert predators...it happens....
At least your doing your homework and doing your best to find out everything you can about these people.....and it's always a good idea to get to know them over time, a long time....before any commitment.... I hear of people hooking up on these dating sites for quickie relations and it just blows my mind at the dangers this presents women and men, yet out there they go.....