My friends, well people I'm used to meet during weekends and parties asked me about my relationship, I couldn't keep lying and I said everything was over, I was questioned by them and I hated it because as I said I hate to tell my stuff but I think I didn't have option.
On one hand they know that already and on the other hand maybe they will stop asking about him now they know is over so for my own good I prefer they stop talking and asking about him.
My godmother died almost a year ago, I always pray before to bed, I pray to God and then my godmother. I asked her to put images in my dreams of my ex and see if he is doing ok. At the start didn't think it would work but i dreamt of him and his feelings, he told me he was very sad. Sometimes I refuse to believe what is in my dreams is what is in real life. This has happened many times already
When I was Ireland I used to dream a lot of my godmother, she told me my cousin was gonna give birth to a baby boy and that happened, so other things too. I don't believe so much of that but sometimes I doubt it.
Anyways I hope you all are doing ok, I feel very down today, Feb is still here and memories come to my head very often