Am unhappy right now, Don’t matter what I do am always getting attack from everywhere from my family and friends and I don’t feel safe coming here no more because of a couple post I put up this morning thinking since I was happy I wanted to make somebody else happy and that just backfired in my face and now I feel numb and disconnected trying to take deep breaths but is not working guess after today I will give this site a break because don’t nobody like when u happy on this site and am getting tigger now I barely read message about u getting better or am happy just said and depressed stuff all day is like that’s all people want to hear very depressing
Unhappy : Am unhappy right now, Don’t... - Anxiety and Depre...

Tamka38 I have a bit of advice, which I hope is ok to share. I have read several of your posts today. I know the situation that occurred. Please don't allow the opinion of a few people to represent what the rest of us feel. I hear you saying the people on this site don't care. That is not true. We do care. Keep being yourself. Don't allow other people's opinions to have such power over you. You decide who you are. You decide your perspective. You have had such success. This situation can either bring you down, or give you an opportunity to stay committed to yourself and your sobriety. Use this to practice the skills you are learning. You are strong. You have faith. Hold on tight to that.
Hi tamka,
*This too shall pass* my friend
I saw your posts early this aM then had to fly off to work. When I glanced at them I thought, "Fantastic. Tamka is feeling good. On the up and up." If I had had time this AM I most certainly would have posted those thoughts.
There are probably many people like me- either too caught up in the day, or don't come here often enough, or got distracted with other posts, or...
So don't forget that. Posting when you feel good is AWESOME and we want to see more of it. And staying sober through a difficult day like today? That is huge. You are one courageous, strong person.
One day at a time my friend
Awwwww thank you u, I really appreciate it I wanted to drink but is not worth my sobriety am 1 month 23 days sober and am happy for that how are u?
I'm good!
It's never worth it (drinking:))
Going through difficult days like this stone cold sober is such a giant growing pain, but GROW you WILL.
Hey something I wanted to mention- to you, to anyone having difficult interactions here. Interacting like we do on a board like this is TOUGH. I was talking about it with my teens the other day. They do SnapChat and Instagram and- who knows what else. Their days are filled with "Likes" and "followers" and thumbs up and down etc. I don't do any of that stuff- not even facebook.This is the first and only place I've ever been "social" on the web. I asked my teens what it's like for them and I got a giant conversation going. They are pretty stressed by it all. Who wouldn't be? At first I found myself really paying attention to the "likes" I got etc, then I realized how dumb that is. And stopped paying attention. Much better that way! Try it!
1 month 23 days that is fantastic. One day at a time....
😂🤣I let go of Facebook 3 years ago it stress me out to the max and give me anxiety. I was only trying to help this morning because I was really happy
That I was feeling better because
I been struck in my house for a month
And am scared is going to get worse
Like Agoraphobia but now am but depressed again but am going to be
Hi Tamka,
I’m glad you are doing great, please keep sharing. It’s good to know when someone from the forum is feeling better and things are doing well.
Take care, God bless.