I hate this I feel like no one understands even my bf he just gets mad when I tell him about how I feel I hate it 😭
No one understands : I hate this I feel... - Anxiety and Depre...
No one understands

Stephanie89, you are absolutely correct in that no one (who hasn't experience anxiety) can possibly understand what you are feeling physically and emotionally. They just can't.
It makes no difference how much one loves you or cares about you, but it takes another
person like those of us on this forum, to truly feel everything you are going through.
I know how frustrating and hurtful you must feel. It's a feeling like the whole world
turned their back on you. Use it as a motivation to stand on your own. I did it when I
realized everyone was gone. So called friends and even family get tired of not seeing
anything physically wrong with me and yet my complaints went on and on.
With our help, support and understanding, you can lean on us as we help each other
get to the light at the end of the tunnel. (not that light :), the light of success)
You've got this Stephanie. xx
Thank you ☺️
Yes you are absolutely true sometimes my bf talks to me like I’m a damn child and I’m 29 years old I feel like I am dumb or something he always says here we go again and it makes me feel worse sometimes I don’t know what I’m doing living here with him but I feel like I have no where to go 😭
Just today my head feels really light and feels like a little wobbly and I feel really weak idk if it’s cuz I haven’t gotten much sleep or because I haven’t ate or my anxiety mixed in all together sometimes I wish I could turn and talk to him but instead of making me feel better I feel worse 😖
I have gotten better but I do get bad days and just wish someone would listen to me and encourage me
And that's what we will do Stephanie...Listen to you, encourage you as everyone
puts in a little about their own experiences. I understand totally in how you are
feeling as a person with snide remarks made either to our face or behind our backs.
My own daughter (25y.o) does not understand anxiety and my fibromyalgia. She
now understands the pain of Fibro since she has developed it as well.
We will walk the walk with you. We cannot control what one says to us but we
can control how we accept it. I take a deep breathe in and exhale slowly releasing
the stress of the moment before it has a chance to grow.
Hang in there, we've got you. xx
Thank you so much I am very blessed to have found this because I felt I had no where to turn to or to vent about what I was experiencing and even at that very moment thank you for ur kindness
He just sometimes think I want to feel this way but I don’t I hate feeling this way but I’m trying to re program my mind back but it’s taking sometime
Stephanie, my go to is YouTube. Even now, I find it very helpful as well as
continue to learn new tools and methods in calming both the mind and body.
Whatever you are trying to work on, YouTube has in meditation form. Type
in your issue with the word meditation right after it. It's not wasted time because
anything we learn and try makes us more knowledgeable in understanding anxiety.
I was a bit like that with my ex and it wasn't until it was too late that I read a blog by someone else that was suffering from a similar mental illness to her that I got a better understanding of what she was going through, it was really eye opening and made me feel terrible for how I had acted but I don't think I would have had any understanding to what she was going through without reading it.
Try and get him to educate himself as some people won't just go and do it off there own back, hope your feeling better.
Yes it can be very difficult to be with someone with mental illness I tried getting him to watch videos with me to understand what I’m going through and experience I even sent him blog sites to read and research but so far no luck it just seems like he is getting fed up and I hate feeling like I am a bad person for feeling this way 😖 and to top it off we barely communicate he’s always on his phone all day I just don’t feel the same anymore
To be fair and honest it sounds familiar to me, I just kept burying my head and thinking things will get better and was also on my phone playing about instead of communicating ... It wasn't till it finished I realized I had messed up.
For people that haven't suffered it is really hard to comprehend what you are going through I had never suffered with any sort of depression or anything so didn't know what it does to you. Ironically I was in bits when it finished and only then suffering a fraction of what she went through on a day to day basis I was able to understand slightly.
Just make sure to put yourself and your own health first
Thank you I know I have to and my kids the weird thing is we were together for 4 months before I. Moved in and he was so nice and understanding always there for me comforting me with anything and everything and then I moved in and bam he changed become a whole other person didn’t care anymore I would get my panic attacks and he would say not again ur not gonna do this again it’s all in ur mind and he wouldn’t be that nice uplifting person he once used to be
He not a good friend u should not get mad with you knowing u are not well he is a shit head
It's hard for other people to see how difficult mental health issues can be. Know that this community is here to listen and care for you.
We are here for each other because we really know first hand how horrible this is. I want to encourage all if you: you are all very special. This is not our fault. Even if we don’t understand it, it doesn’t make us any less special. Unless you have this, you just can’t understand it. This site is keeping my sanity. I’m so grateful for it.
I am so grateful for this site to and thankful for all of u here who are here to listen to me and support me it means a lot a lot me I am happy to know I have a place to go when I need to let out everything
Wow , it’s crazy , I’m going through very similar situation with my boyfriend , too.
He used to be patient and pretended to be supportive for about 2-3 months and now 4 years later he is making fun of me , thinks I’m lying or exaggerating, says so many hurtful things and says I’m too negative and bring negativity upon myself. It’s hard and embarrassing for me that the person I’m with and that is supposed to love me , treats me this way.
I only been with my boyfriend for about 5 months and at first he was very supportive so nice and when I would get my anxiety he would hold me and tell me I’m ok I’m going to get through it and was very uplifting now he is negative whenever I get my anxiety he says here we go again he even told me I never told him I had anxiety and I did since day one he says I’m not trying when I told him with someone who suffers from anxiety and depression I get up every morning and I’m there for my kids I’m not curled up in a ball even tho I want to be but he doesn’t see that he nags at everything and I just hate it I hate living here I don’t even want to be here anymore he’s not the person I thought he was
I’m sorry ur going through this but I’m here if u need someone to talk to we don’t deserve this we deserve someone to except us no matter what
I hope you know how courageous and strong and amazing you are for just getting up in the morning and going on with your day and being there for your children. I know how hard it is just to show your face and get up in the morning , and I admire you for that. I admire all of us for being here and reaching out and sharing our pains and support.
I’m so sorry you also have to go through this , I strangely feel some sort of comfort in knowing I’m not alone in this situation .
Thank you so much for offering me your ear and your support. You’re right we don’t deserve this and we deserve to be accepted for who we are , flaws and mental illness and all.
I’m also here for you if you need. xox
Thank you so much it means a lot
It’s an accomplishment for al of us to get up and try and go about our day wether we struggle throughout the day we all go through things but sometimes it’s nice to have someone there especially loved ones and our partner were with but I guess their true colors come out sooner or later I just know I can’t do this anymore I know my worth and what I deserve and if if someone can’t support me how I am now then I don’t need them
We are to beautiful in our way to settle even with our mental illness and I feel the same way knowing I’m not alone in this situation and in some weird way I feel more anxious knowing how he treats me and whenever I feel an episode coming on I feel guilt when I shouldn’t
Thank you for offering a shoulder to lean on xoxo