Feeling like no one understands - Anxiety and Depre...

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Feeling like no one understands

Gilmore0987 profile image
9 Replies

I don't like being rushed and I don't like being on a time schedule it makes me really upset with my depression and anxiety and I just don't feel like any one understands 😔😭😔😭❤

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Gilmore0987 profile image
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9 Replies
LilyAnnepuppy profile image

I understand. I hate having commitments and would rather not leave the house. But like you said, it's my depression and anxiety. I work hard to be places on time even though it's an effort. Doctor's appointments. Meetings with friends. All are important. I would rather cancel than be late.

hypercat54 profile image

Oh I'm terrible for that! I leave everything til the last minute so I can have the illusion that my life is full and busy. I find it very hard to get moving too. x

Gilmore0987 profile image

When I am getting ready to go some where I want to take my time getting ready and not be rushed and when I am out and about I want to just enjoy what I am doing with out being rushed

CanuckAnon profile image

I completely understand!!! Having time restrictions drive me insane... it makes me feel like a failure if I’m not ready at that time or feel like i feel like I let that person down yet again exp if it turns out to be a bad day for me. I find if I make appts for later in the day it allows me to get my crap together and also allows me to take my time so my Anxiety doesn’t get increased by thinking I will be late... I sort of make myself not cancel doctor appts bcuz I know it’s for my own good and I’ve spent too much time avoiding life. I find it hard to get psyched up for social situations cuz I dread questions like “ so what have you been up to” or “ long time no see” I never know how to answer those types of questions... without sounding like a Debbie downer or helpless victim.... this is something I fight with constantly. So I can emphasize completely...

KittenMittens22 profile image

Me too! The minute I feel tied to a specific time it gives me great anxiety. I wish doctors would let you show up when you can, otherwise I would go more often. I usually don’t make specific plans with people for the same reason. Makes me seem difficult but people don’t understand it helps me reduce anxiety to not be pressured for a specific time.

Kaytee1981 profile image

I can kinda relate - I HATE being late it makes me soooooo anxious and i also hate other people being late - like I went to an occupational health appt and he was 30mins late my anxiety was through the roof when I went in making for not a very productive appt. Also I work in a hospital clinic and the consultants are always late sitting behind the reception desk dealing with patients makes me anxious too cos I know how I'd feel sitting waiting which I know is crazy but I cant tell my anxiety that!

I struggled yesterday, school shoe shopping, put a time limit on myself when actually it didnt really matter but because I just wanted to get home it turned out really stressful and horrible. I hate being out the house so I guess I'd subconsciously imposed a time limit to get home by.

I dont struggling with my appts I understand that doctors etc need to have limitations or it would be a mess.

Tiredmommy1123 profile image

I can intimately relate with those precise frustrations . It makes my anxiety go haywire especially after having a depression spell take over the entire week prior only to be rushed and feeling under pressure to the extremes and its the first time I leave the house or move since a week before when depression was winning and now my anxiety is being all brawled up and now its every thing at once and the anxiety starts to kick my ass to where now its winning and it feels unexplainable but I feel like everyone can't be that closed minded to my reality and the miserable deadness that these unasked intense negative feelings and emotions bring on in life making it that much more pointless

JPMcG profile image

Gil, I get it. Transition transition transition challenges, even in banal every day activity. I realized years ago that transitions from one activity to another or moving from site to site were challenging for me too. Yet still to this day I have to manage multiple irons in the fire in order to be successful in life. For me, I have figured out what my attention span can handle, as well as my body & physical position. Therefore I create a template for guidance in order to help me move through my daily commitments and still be able to meet personal goals while fulfilling others expectations. One of the most helpful tools I have found is the ancient template of our day according to Ayurveda. Ayurvedic principles divide the day into 3 principal sections twice per day according to the doshas and their physical or spiritual elements. Look into your dosha, find your prakruti, and determine whether certain pitta, vata or kapha provocations are a contributing factor to the frustration of making you feel rushed. It can be extremely helpful to connect with awareness about how your constitution is better adept at managing certain types of activity at certain points in the day.

Hotrod84 profile image

I hate being rushed too, it’s especially hard if on top of having depression and anxiety , you have a physical disability like I do. I have a home health aide who comes every week day morning at the same time which is kind of stressful because I have to be up at a certain time every day when some days all I want to do because of my depression is sleep. On the other hand, I know I have plenty of time to get everything done with her that I need to have done and we go at my speed but aside from her and the agency she works for, and my therapist, no one else in my life seems to understand why it sometimes takes me all day just to do the basics of daily living. Not even my mom seems to get it and she’s a psychiatric nurse practitioner!

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