I woke up after having a very vivid dream, and I wish I didn't wake up from it so soon.
I was kayaking out in a big lake with my dog, and the day was nice and sunny. The only thoughts I was having was about how much fun and relaxing it was to be out on the water. I was in bliss.
When I woke up, I reflected back on that dream, and realized I wouldn't feel the same if I did the exact same thing in reality. I'd worried about the fact that others would most likely stare at me and think I was crazy to be kayaking alone. I'd also be self-conscious on how I look, as I usually am, regardless if I'm alone or not. I'd also think about any other issues that has happened, is currently happening, or fear will happen in my life.
This is one of the reasons why I love to sleep. I'm happiest when I'm asleep because I'm not thinking about all the problems in my life. I'm only thinking of the moment that I'm in, wherever I am at in my dream. I soak up the moment, and nothing else.