have had anxiety since I I was a kid and I would have an occasional panic attack here and there that would go away. I have been able to manage this for years. Recently they have been more frequent especially if leave my home. I can go for walks but going to the store and going to work have been super challenging. I just received medication yesterday. Has anyone else experience extreme anxiety and panic like this and did you receive any type of relief?
panic attacks increased: have had... - Anxiety and Depre...
panic attacks increased

Hi Panicfree (love the username) Strong and powerful reminder.
First of all, congratulations in keeping panic under control for so long.
I suffered from Agoraphobia for years after having struggled with Anxiety.
But it can and it did go away.
It starts with a thought that you might not even think as frightening.
Unfortunately, then this fear extends to the outside world know as "fear of the
marketplace" There feels as if there is no safe place for you to be since you carry
that fear in your mind all the time. Medication as well as talk therapy can help address
the fears and concerns going on in your mind. Has anything changed in your life
more recently?
What have you been diagnosed with by your doctor?
Researching and reading about these fears can help immensely. Since we must know
how something works and takes over before we can conquer the situation.
We're here to help walk the journey with you. It's going to be okay. You're
not alone now. xx
Thank you for the encouragement and feedback ! I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety but due to the frequent and unknown panic attacks my recent doctors appointment she thinks it’s panic disorder but she wants to monitor more: I started therapy last week and have a follow up appointment this week. The only things that have “changed” are my friend recently had a stroke and no one knows why not even the docs because she is super healthy and she has no underlying conditions my dad is also going up for a very serious spinal surgery. But I’m not sure why that’s causing me panic. If I get to work I’m fine it’s the ride in the car which I think came from a panic attack I had while driving.
Hey there, I just want to piggy back off what Agora1 said...seems like there is alot going on in your life. If I can make a few suggestions: less caffeine, take more walks around the block, talk about your struggles (like you are here), and find someone in your support system to help. That could be a friend, a boss, etc. I get it...it's hard and I'm sorry you are struggling
I been suffering w panic attacks and severe anxiety,social phobias for most my life and on disability I get these attacks so badly,feel I'm going to die,I getbthe. Wicked out in public,can't breathe,my ears ring,I feel like numbness in my limbs,sweats,shakes even nausea onto of those terrible feelings,u was put on klonopin and it helped me greatly,then my Dr retired n I was cut off that med cold turkey n it was pure hell. Now I'm back to square one,ever since I'm a child i suffer couldn't do well in school,incomplete, and has taken away my life.w chronic pain to boot,I feel so alone and withdrawn.
Im sorry you are going through this. We will get better. Have you tried another doctor? My doc gave me hydroxyzine I don’t think it works other than helped me go to sleep but I still had a panic attack. My bf and I were out and I still had an moderately intense one after taking the hydroxyzine 2 hours prior
The klonopin worked so good but here in states it's controlled substance n Dr's are leary cause there licenses and so fourth,I suffer..same thing w chronic pain these meds are made to help people like me,I gotta hear about the world's drug problems,very lame...
Sometimes you have to find a doc that will listen. I went on a trip to Bali last year nd it was the first trip I took that would require a flight over 10 hours… I went to the doc for just in case meds and they gave me a whole bottle of Xanax. I was shock. I didn’t take any because I never needed it . This time since I saw a nurse practitioner she only gave me Zoloft and hydroxyzine …..I have to let the Zoloft build in my system .however I took hydroxyzine before an event yesterday… I got through the event but at the end of the night I had a panic attack right before we left. I sat there nd ride it out and my boyfriend kept rubbing my back to calm me down. Thankfully we were around the corner from the house
Hi pain free. My anxiety has got worse over the years. Like you i struggle going places. What I don't understand is places I've been going to for years, like hairdressers any appointments that I have to goto again that I've done for years. I've thought about going to the Dr's, but all they will do is give me medication which I don't want as I take alot off med due to my health problems. I take antidepressants tablets for other problems. I'd be curious of the replies you relieve. Hope you get some answers that help you.
Yea same for me I drive all the time so it’s really puzzling to me. I didn’t want to take meds either but my quality of life has been affected. Have you tried therapy? I’m doing both now. I just started so I will let you know how it goes
No I've not tied therapy, but lately I have actually thought about going down that route. Don't want to take anymore medication, I do take anti depression tablets but they are for my other health problems. They seem to work for that, some medication works for other health conditions. Yeah do please.