Hi everyone. I hope everyone is ok and having a better weekend than I am.
I suffer from agoraphobia and have been housebound for over 2 years now. I met someone last year who really helped with my anxiety and actually managed to get me out the house, we broke up a month ago and I feel like my life has gone down hill since then. I became very attached to my mum again to the point I am crying every time she leaves for work etc.
Yesterday she went on holiday and since she has left I have experienced the worst panic attacks I have ever had in my life (and I have had some bad ones over the years) to the point I actually didn’t feel like it was a panic attack and instead thought I was dying, I called 999 which I felt absolutely awful for once I had realised I was having a panic attack but I actually had 4 in a row one after the other and each one lasted about 2 hours long! I went to sleep lastnight after 4 panic attacks feeling rather exhausted and actually felt a lot better and more positive, until I woke up in my sleep this morning having another one. I just can’t seem to calm myself down throughout these ones they seem far more intense and a lot scarier. Very intense adrenaline rush up my body, cold and hot flashes, not being able to breath or feel my hands and feet, feeling like I need to escape but not sure where to?
I have come to the conclusion that my attachement to my mum is due to her being my safe person and because she’s on holiday I’m feeling vulnerable.
I don’t want to keep having bad panic attacks until she’s back so can anyone please recommend any coping mechanisms or things that help them.
Thank you