I have been suffering from anxiety and depression off and on for years. The past 3 months have been really bad. I’ve had a lot of life stressors happen. I’ve been to my psychiatrist she has increased my depression medication but I can’t seem to push through this anxiety. It’s happens most when I leave my house, I can have panic attacks in the car requiring me to pull over and get out to be able to breathe. I am trying to work but I get panicked at work too. Nothing seems to be helping I convince myself of physical ailments. I’ve ready multiple books an anxiety nothing is helping other than anxiety meds which I don’t want to take all of the time. It’s a very crippling feeling. My family doesn’t understand so I have no support. My parents were the only ones that could help me when this would happen and I lost both of them within the last 2 years. I just need advice and or others to tell me their stories and what has helped them. I feel like I need to take a leave from work until this gets better. I feel like I can’t do my job properly I’m a nurse which is also stressful right now. Any advice would be appreciated.
Help through anxiety and panic attacks - Anxiety and Depre...
Help through anxiety and panic attacks

Let me start by saying, Panic Attacks suck! They are the worst!!!
I wasn't a big fan of the idea of being on meds the rest of my life, but it has helped reduce my anxiety levels. I still get Panic Attacks every once in a while, but nowhere near the frequency I used to. I recently got some emergency meds to use when it's really bad.
Things that help. I listen the guided meditations when going to sleep. I do deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. I recently started writing affirmations every night and leaving myself post it notes all over my place with little reminders: l feel safe. I have the skills to deal with this. I look forward to the freedom I will have when I am fully recovered. Things like that.
Thank you for you information. I get horrible anxiety attacks, started about a month ago. This is new for me. yes, I get depressed where I actually feel like crying but I don't cry...it's awful. I force myself to do the laundry and housework, somehow I get things done. I'm 67 and live alone. I used to be fine, doing projects, sewing, looking forward to things and now that is gone. I don't know why. My Dr. has me on clonazepam .5 mg but she said it's temporary....what do you take on a regular basis to manage the anxiety attacks??? I've asked my dr. about seeing a psychiatrist but she wants me to keep seeing a psychologist for now, but she can't prescribe medicine. I don't know what to do and am so worried. I am looking for hope.
I’m so sorry you are going through this. I take trintellix for my depression and Xanax for my panic attacks. I really don’t like to take it unless absolutely necessary. I get the not wanting to do things I’ve lost interest too. It’s hard to push yourself. I try to go in walks that usually cause more anxiety. I leave my house and I feel anxious. I see a counselor but honestly it isn’t that helpful to me I think I may just not have a good fit with my current one.
Thank you for reaching out an sharing. I am sorry you struggle with anxiety. I used to be really hard on myself when I struggled. I am glad you are getting help with medication and your psychiatrist. Do you also go to counseling?
I started reading this book - IT'S ONLY ANXIETY: How to Recover from Anxiety & Panic (amzn.to/3zliVdt) which I find helpful.
The key is awareness of why I may be anxious, some it is physical the chemical imbalance, others is putting too much pressure on myself when I am struggling.
So sorry for the loss of your parents, losing that support is difficult. I will be praying you find other support too.
Here are the techniques I use. I hope you find some helpful.
1) Become aware of what you need through self-care and personal nourishment. Take time for yourself - you are worth it. Like taking walks, baths, massages, mani/pedi/, listening to uplifting music/sermons and anything that makes you feel refreshed and renewed.
2) The 557 breathing technique is take 5 deep breaths in while thinking good thoughts about yourself like I matter, I am special, I am strong and then hold the breaths for the count of 7 focusing on those words about yourself, then let out the breath slowly for 5 seconds letting go of any anxious, self-defeating, unhealthy thoughts. I do this one to three times a sitting.
3)The gratitude journal is writing down something good every morning and night something that went well in the day, or something I appreciate about myself. Taking our focus off of the anxiety and depression and focusing on positive uplifting things really helps. What you think is what you believe. So thinking uplifting things you believe those things but the reverse is true - thinking negative self-defeating things, you will believe those.
4) Emotional Freedom Tapping - bit.ly/3AVYNiX You use pressure points to tap on those points while you repeat positive uplifting things to yourself.)
I will be praying for you. Feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat. Hugs and God Bless
How are things going? I have been praying for you. Hugs