This morning I was watching some programs- one on happiness and another on reducing anxiety. Both of these were for the general population. I felt as I was watching that it was my fault I have depression and anxiety and if I just do these strategies I can get rid of the depression and anxiety. Now I do realize that doing these strategies do help, as I have done most of them over the years. But despite doing these strategies and in general going through good periods of time, those black clouds still come creeping back into my mind. Does anyone else find the same thing? Or am I just being very pessimistic?
Another question for everyone. - Anxiety and Depre...
Another question for everyone.

I just read your post. It’s not our fault that we get depressed and anxious. I have battled depression for years. I have been to therapy , group therapy. I am on medication. I have tried the many suggestions and all the tools to manage my depression. I am tired of fighting.. I would go back and fourth, having a few good days gives me hope, then I go back two steps. Everyday is a struggle. I say why me? Then I read a lot on this post. There are so many looking for help. What choice do we have but keep pushing through life. You are not alone
How is anxiety and depression your fault? It isn't and strikes at random. Sometimes all we can do it accept that this is our norm now and live with it. I have had depression for many years and have accepted it will always be with me. I know I will get dark periods but I also know that it will pass and I can enjoy life again. Sometimes it's just a case of managing it. x
I know what you say is right but when I watch those shows or read the books by these people, I realize they just don't get what it is really like for people like us. Some of these people are very successful, making a ton of money and yeah, they go through bad times but they also aren't like us who go in and out of bad times on a regular basis. It annoys me more than anything when I watch those types of shows but at the same time I think maybe if I try one more strategy it will make a difference. Thanks for your reply.
Don't watch those types of shows? I got irritated today by the papers calling Prince Harry 'brave' for speaking out for mental health! It says he wants to use his experiences to help people. Yeah right - someone from a very wealthy influential background who has never had to wait for months for help or try and get an appointment at the doctors. He will never be left on a trolley for days because of a lack of beds. What does a privileged toff know about ordinary life! x
My belief is fault/blame contribute to uneasy feelings. These feeling fuel my depression/anxiety. I do believe that how I process things leads to depression and anxiety. I don’t choose this but it happens. In order to hear what others feel and how they deal with there depression we have the be able to turn off inner chatter.
I don't think you are being pessimistic. I think you're being honest & real about those black clouds that come ruin our parade. If we are expecting our lives to be pain/fear-proof, we are living in a fantasy world. Life is full of brokenness and uncertainties that trigger anxiety and depression. But I don't believe that we are therefore destined to live in bondage to such conditions. I think the various techniques do help us deal with the sufferings that intrude in our lives & the fear of the "unknown" that loom over us. Personally, I can't say that those strategies have helped me significantly. I think for me, it was realizing that my life is not an accident here on earth. I am created to live my life with meaning and purpose. It gave me a whole different perspective on life that I never had before and it enabled me to process those triggers in a much healthier way. I'm still an emotional being, but I am able to ride some of the waves now, instead of being wiped out.