Looking for some feedback : Does... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Looking for some feedback

Softball27 profile image
26 Replies

Does anybody else find themselves stuck, do to anxiety or depression? Forcing yourself to do things you normally would have no problem doing? Or finding yourself pushed to the edge of the rabbit hole or worse pushed down the rabbit hole? I’m interested in anyone’s thoughts. Also what are some physical symptoms, appetite, dry mouth, or whatever that you might deal with, do to anxiety or depression.

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Softball27 profile image
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26 Replies

Yes, I have my own business and some of the simplest tasks have become burdensome, which is not great, cause you can`t leave stuff to be done by someone else. Hence I have a heap of undone tasks that adds to the size and sheer depth of the hole. Symptoms I have experienced, is dry mouth, lack of energy, muscle pain, very irritable, headaches and excessive sweating.

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to

Dry mouth and irritability are the worse for me. Thanks for sharing.

Madlynes21 profile image
Madlynes21 in reply to

wow.. I was wondering where my dry mouth was coming from. Do you take meds for your symptoms?

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to Madlynes21

No I don’t. I’m not sure if it’s the medication or the anxiety that’s causing this dry mouth. It’s the worst.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Softball27

Hi Softball27, it's both. Most medications for Anxiety can causedry mouth/cotton ball mouth as well as Anxiety itself. Which causes

us to "mouth breathe". :) xx

Cruiz profile image

Good morning Softball27, yes absolutley, I feel stuck. I am able to get my job done and covered but to do any more seems fruitless in my thoughts. I just want to get done at my job, go home and talk to know one, eat, and sleep but sleep is hard to come by some nights unless I take my valum to calm my nerves. I really have nothing to be nervous about but my anxieties are through the roof. I am going thru menopause as well, crazy times. Not sure this was any help but do understand that feeling.

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to Cruiz

Thank you for sharing. It’s a battle. I feel your pain.

autumnmarie5 profile image

Hey there!! Yes I understand exactly what you are going through and anxiety is tough!! Some things I really work myself up about and not for good reasoning. I've noticed the things I tend to anticipate are when I get anxiety and most of the time they are tasks that should give me NO anxiety. That's the hard part about dealing with this illness because it often doesn't have reasoning behind it. I do get quite a few physical symptoms when I suffer. Mostly, loss of appetite so bad to where I will throw up acid because my stomach is so hungry. Then I notice I get hot and clammy and very out of breath. Anxiety/Depression are mental illnesses but the way it can effect our physical body is so crazy and often hard to explain to others who don't struggle. My anxiety has often led me to just want to go home and be on my couch in my own home rather than go do different things. I take medication and started seeing a therapist once a week and they both seem to be helping me overcome. What I do recommend if you are struggling is finding a hobby or maybe doing some meditation to help calm your nerves. I know everybody is different so find something that brings calmness to you and make it a point to do it when you feel yourself getting to that point maybe to get your brain to rewire. I'm not sure if anything of what I said is any help or beneficial to you but I do want you to know you are not alone and sometimes knowing others go through it too can often times help you feel better yourself. 😊👍

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to autumnmarie5

You’re right. Try to explain the way you feel to someone who hasn’t gone through this is fruitless. I do practice mindfulness meditation and it’s been very helpful. Thanks for reaching out.

BPresent profile image

Yes on feeling stuck due to anxiety & depression. Yes on having to force myself to do what seems to come natural to others. Yes on being pushed to rabbit hole & definitely yes on going down the rabbit hole. Anxiety causes my heart to race, chest pains, nausea, racing thoughts & the inability to concentrate enough to accomplish even the smallest task. Depression causes no appetite, no energy, not wanting to do anything that I use to enjoy, feeling like I don’t have a purpose & feeling like it’s easier to stay home than it is to push through & get out & do something which is the exact opposite of what I use to be like BUT I’m working on it. It seems like it’s one baby step forward & two giant leaps back but at this point I’ll take any progression. Here if you need to chat. Btw like your user name. Played softball all the way through college & then played women’s slo pitch. Best years of my life.

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to BPresent

Yes all of the above that you wrote I feel. Sometimes you think you’re they only one going through this and that feels lonely. It’s also hard to put into words your true feelings. But like your user name being present in the moment is the way to be. Thanks for your feedback.

BPresent profile image

I’ve only been on this site for about a week now & it’s frustrating & sad that there are so many of us here but it’s also comforting to know you’re not the only one feeling these things. That it’s not “all in your head” & what you’re feeling is real. This is a good platform to learn from others as well as get the support you need. Some days you might be the one helping someone get through their day & other days you might be the one getting the support you need to get through the day. Hang in there & if you ever need to talk we can chat.

Tea-minus99 profile image

I have been running into this so much lately! It’s really tough to fight through having zero interest in anything. Then being behind makes me feel even worse and there goes everything. Terrible cycle. I have a lot of headaches and body aches but I also have chronic issues so go figure there. I get dry mouth and high pulse and shaking when my anxiety gets worse. I can’t remember anything to save my life. My life is a lot of lists. Haha

Madlynes21 profile image

Yes, that is my current situation. I feel like my anxiety and depression has become the author of my everyday. I have 30 minutes of feeling stable, and 23.5 hours of anxiety and depressive behaviors. My whole life has changed since Summer 2021. I no longer feel like myself, I feel like a nut who is going crazy!

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to Madlynes21

I feel your pain. The waves keep coming. Thanks for sharing

designguy profile image

About a year and a half ago I felt like I had hit a wall, I was fatigued, had brain fog and increased anxiety, I thought my meds weren't working any more. I had some tests done and found that I was extremely low in testosterone and I was on the wrong med for hypothyroidism. I also had my adrenals checked but they were functioning ok. I started on testosterone shots and changed my thyroid med and started feeling better in about 3 weeks so important to make sure all three of these are functioning properly because they can cause or contribute to anxiety/depression if not.

The best thing I did for anxiety was realize I had been taught totally wrong about how to deal with it. The best way is to learn to accept the anxious thoughts and feelings, let them flow through you so you no longer fear them. I found the DARE Anxiety book, youtube videos and phone app to be very helpful for resolving my anxiety.

Another very valuable aid is to learn simple mindfulness/meditation to be able to let the anxious thoughts flow mentally and not react to them. It's also very helpful for calming and being present in life and is a very helpful skill. There is lots of info and apps for this available on the internet and youtube.

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to designguy

Thanks good information. Appreciate you reaching out. I’ve been into mindful meditation for about 5 years and I’m still struggling a little. Waiting for blood work results. Will find out tomorrow. Thanks again.

lovetodance2018 profile image

Thank you for sharing. Yes, I can relate to your struggles of feeling stuck and can't seem to get things done. I have to force myself to do the simplest tasks. Sometimes that is just getting out of bed and taking a shower. This illness is so frustrating but know you are not alone. I struggling physically with maninly with shaking, heart palpatations, hot and cold, and loss of appetite.

What helps me is to constantly redirect my thoughts, which is basically every minute. I have to try to find something that takes my mind off of me. Writing on this forum always helps too because we know we are not alone in our struggles. I try to do a celebrations journal to list the things that went well for the day. It could be as simple as I got out of bed and did one thing on my list. Or that I prayed and read a bible verse. Whatever you can do to add positive self-talk into your life that will help too.

Are you on medication for your depression? Depression is both chemical and how we think or react to situations. Usually the combination of medicaiton and therapy will help, but it takes time. Remember it is a process, but you will have good days and try to appreciate and focus on those instead of the harder days. I will keep you in my prayers and if you ever need someone to chat with feel free to reach out. Hugs and God Bless

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to lovetodance2018

Thank you so much for you candor and honesty. Yes I’m on cymbalta, and mirtazapine. I have this thing called rem sleep disorder. It’s when you act out your dreams. To avoid getting hurt. The go to drug is klonopin. .50mg. I need to take it every night. I took myself off it for a month or so and dove out of bed and injured myself. So if I need it during the day for anxiety I fight taking it. But it’s really the only thing that makes me feel like me. But I know it could be a dangerous habit. Thanks for reaching out and when I figure out how to chat I might take you up on it. Seeing my doctor tomorrow. Wish me luck

lovetodance2018 profile image
lovetodance2018 in reply to Softball27

How did it go with your doctor? I have recently pulled out of my last episode of depression and anxiety. I know the medication is only part of the answer. I found this online to listen to. I haven't had a consultation yet, but what he has to say is helpful. Teaching that being aware of what causes us pain to our innerself and not feeling secure has begun healing in me. (bit.ly/3tM32gq) I will continue to keep you in my prayers and if you need someone to chat with please feel free to pm me. Hugs

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to lovetodance2018

She told me to take .50 of klonopin daily. Not a big fan of doing that since I’m already taking the same amount at bed time for another reason. So I decided just to take as needed and battle through it. Thanks for the prayers. I’ll check out the link you sent.

catch_the_music profile image

Anxiety can keep me from moving at times. During those times it is hard to do get up and do anything constructive. In those times I pray a lot. I ask God to take away my anxieties. There is a prayer guide I like called "10 Psalms for People Who Struggle with Anxiety and Fear". It can be found online. I pray using the Bible to relieve anxiety. I listen to praise music - like KLOVE radio too. Also - I try to do one nice thing per day for someone else. I look back a week later to see what things I accomplished. That motivates me to keep on going. I also have a small group at church that provides support and lots of prayer. Counseling helps too - when I need it. Hope that helps! God Bless!

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to catch_the_music

Thank you Catch. Like Paul taught us. Pray unceasingly. I love your practice of doing one nice thing daily. Very impressive.

Adlon57 profile image

Toes curling in my shoes, high blood pressure, checking rechecking confirm rechecking, etc, living by myself, lack of self confidence, checking the calendars, counting down the days next thing is going to happen, lack of sleep, I have epilepsy, had it 52 years, seizures set off via stress, anxiety, depression! GOT TO STAY COOL, REAL COOL! 🙄🙄👍

Softball27 profile image
Softball27 in reply to Adlon57

Wow!! Sorry Adlon. Tough journey. Don’t lose faith. I’m thinking of you.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Softball27

Thanks Softball27 appreciated👍

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