I'm just 22 and I wanna resign from my job because of my co-workers but the thoughts of my bills kept me away from doing my resignation letter. It affects me a lot.
I wanna quit: I'm just 22 and I wanna... - Anxiety and Depre...
I wanna quit

Hi & sorry to hear you’re feeling this way!😔sounds like you’re really unhappy in your job but worried about bills is there a way you can find something else temporarily in mean time while you look for another better job? Maybe nothing fancy but something you’d enjoy- like if you like books in a bookstore or library, if you lov animals maybe a dog walking or pet sitter, or a coffee place or even a fav food market or restaurant??? That way you’ll hav something coming in for bills till you can plan something more long term??? Just some thoughts- I of coarse don’t know your circumstances at all or health etc..? But you should enjoy more what you do especially if you suffer w/ anxiety or depression! In the mean time try to do your best and think of at least small ways to get your mind off it and reward yourself when off work with fav. Movie/foods/listen to fav. Songs do something like exercise or walking in nature!! Anyway hope these thoughts could help some how!!🌼☺️
Bro coming from real personal experiences I’m going to tell you that if continue to stay in toxic environments your mental health will suffer greatly. I’m a great example of not choosing to leave and now I suffer from multiple mental illnesses that keep me housebound. The symptoms were mild in the beginning, but progressed slowly throughout the months. Now it’s full blown. I understand you got bills to pay but if your always around negative people or bad vibes eventually your mental health will start to deteriorate. Do you have any family members who you can stay at for a while until you get back up? I had bills to pay too when I was still working, but due to not leaving my workplace because of shitty people I’ve developed anxiety and clinical depression. Now I have no job and I can’t get out of the house because of anxiety issues. Trauma, violence, and abuse can cause a whole host of mental health issues if you continue to be around it. I say leave and save your mental health because you can always find another job. Talk it out calmly and peacefully then if that doesn’t work leave ASAP unless you want to deal with mental illnesses. Btw it’s been 15 plus years and I’m not cured yet don’t become a hero and fight them off no shame in leaving it’s called being smart! Best of luck!
Hi.. Yes I think you're right. I should consider my mental state before anything else. I'm already thinking about finding even temporary job for me to leave my current toxic officemates. Thank you for your response. I truly appreciate this.
Workplace are a breeding ground for bullies and toxic people. I’m sure your smart enough and I believe u will make the right decision. Again I can’t stress this enough your mental health is extremely important take care of it before they bring you down. Mental illnesses is very debilitating and demoralizing it makes you suicidal too cause of the onslaught of symptoms that go along with it. Once the symptoms emerge it becomes harder and harder to deal with and eventually you isolate yourself thus causing you to go downhill. Remember this ok “your life is more important than any job in the world no matter how much they pay you, but if you’re unhappy and others mistreat you.....fuk the job and leave asap” best of luck!