I suffer from severe anxiety disorders I feel like I can’t breathe almost all the time my heart beats fast sometimes and also sometimes I feel like I’m choking I am NOT on any meds and don’t wanna be .Does anyone have ideas how I can feel better ? I work full time and love my life I don’t do drugs or drink I’m just a regular guy living a regular life .
Anxiety : I suffer from severe anxiety... - Anxiety and Depre...

I’m sorry you’re feeling this way Cisco. I know you don’t want to go on medication but there are supplements you can take. St John’s Wort I heard is pretty good. I always see ads for things on google. Also if you like natural things, essential oils are amazing. I put them in my diffuser and the aroma of smells really calm you down. Anxiety is awful but there’s so many options. I feel like I could go on and on. I’m not saying these things work for me but I know they’ve worked for others: go for walks, sit outside, meditate, go for massages, listen to calming music, read a good book, journal your thoughts, etc. Some of the bigger things I’ve heard help are changing environments, relationships, work, school, etc. Living situations and Jobs seem to be the biggest issues. You are in the right place. I’m glad you shared
I hope you feel better!!
I’ve also had bad issues with trouble breathing. I just feel like I can’t take in a deep breath which can go on for months! I had so many tests done to see what was wrong with me to really just find out I was having panic attacks! I know you said you didn’t want to be on medication but it really has been a life saver for me. I take medication everyday for anxiety and have a beta blocker that I always carry with me for times of panic. (It’s like what they give you for a heart attack. It slows your heart rate down.) I’ve also tried meditation, I like practicing being mindful. One thing I just discovered is chewing gum to slow your heartbeats down! It really works, chewing the gum automatically makes your breathing slower. I would talk to your doctor about your anxiety. Maybe just talk therapy would help you. I hope this helps! You will get through this!
I have talked to my doctor and he wanted to prescribe me meds that I didn’t wanna take I didn’t wanna get on ssri meds I have been to therapy and I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety
“Talk therapy “ doesn’t really do much. Have you tried a Dr. psychology using CBT_ congnative behavioral therapy? If your anxiety is mild, techniques taught may be enough.
Meds can be very helpful- not sure why you are so against them. Is it because if you’re on meds you are officially “mentally ill”? With a disorder you already are

No it’s not that it because I have heard horror stories trying to get off ssri meds and I don’t wanna put myself through that and no my anxiety is not mild it’s pretty severe I have it all the time I feel like I can’t breath almost all the time so cbt probably won’t work on me .
I pray and talk to God...out loud...He is with you. When you're talking out loud to God, the scary thoughts can't get in.
Well actually I have COPD . When it’s summer hot and humid I feel like I’m suffocating- which brings out my anxiety. I saw a doctor for a CBT for a few months; the techniques he taught me do help. So does Klonipin.
I am bipolar2 with anxiety disorder Meds have changed my life. I am In control of my emotions, they don’t control me.
Anxiety is still a struggle as I have driving issues as well as the COPD setting it off. For the driving I need exposure therapy ( I can’t do the freeway, bridges, divided highways) but I don’t have anyone to do it with, but other than the driving, meds and relaxation techniques have really helped.
I have gone off of Zoloft before and yes it’s not fun; however the benefits of taking meds outweighs the prospect of getting off of them.serequel, oxycarbazine and benzodiazepines are all helpful for anxiety and are not ssri’s
So there’s some ideas
Anxiety and depression are thought processes that make us unhealthy. For many of us that have anxiety and/or depression, chemicals that the body makes causes the disease. This is especially true for long term, severe cases. While talking with a therapist and/or psychologist may help with some of the symptoms, to get at the cause chemical intervention is necessary. I have suffered with depression and anxiety since I was 7 and kidnapped by my father. Being outside can bring on a panic attack (where is he; will he steal me again), I was terrified he'd come and steal my children. And, I was not with my mother where I belonged. This 'set' my body's chemical output for many, many years! A therapist helped me deal with my father - when he died, I really did not care. But, the depression and anxiety were still there. Finally i thought seriously about suicide. My doctor stopped me, and on his recommendation I started taking a med. It helped for 15 years, but wasn't enough, and after my husband intervened in my second attempt, I have added a small amount of a booster med. I now don't recognize the person I was before.
I may be able to go off these meds in the future; I'll try in a couple of years. I tried before and the only reason I didn't stay off was because the depression became too much. That was the only bad effect I had.
About the side-effects: when a drug is being tested, every 'side effect' is noted, and added to the list of side effects, even if only 1 in the test group reports it. If a side effect is noted by a patient, there are now several meds that won't have that listed as a side effect, so changing can alleviate a troublesome issue. Or, over the counter solutions are available for most problems. I feel strongly that since going it on your own hasn't worked, it may be time to consider medical help. You'll need to find a doctor who will work with you on your terms. Try a D.O. They are MD's trained in holistic methods.
Last thoughts: I have found the 'side effects' of depression/anxiety to be so much worse than the side effects of the meds available that the choice for me were clear - meds over illness every time. And, I haven't heard any reports of addiction or dependence being a problem with depression/anxiety meds.
I'm open to talking with you more about this. I understand your position, and don't believe you are wrong. I'd just like you to consider other options.
Many good wishes for you in your journey.