I feel like I’ve slept the last three days away. And even though I am awake now I still feel like I could sleep again if I were to even blink for too long. I have two jobs and I take online classes and dealing with other issues within my personal life. I feel like I am run completely dry and this past week in particular my anxiety has increased so much to the point of panic attacks and I find myself nauseated and a loss of appetite. I hate how much weight I’ve lost within the past couple of months. Plus the anxiety triggers my GERD which doesn’t help with anything. I feel like I’m learning nothing from my classes since I don’t have the time to read or study. Most of my life is spent at work and I barely sleep anymore.
How can I handle having a social life, work and school without feeling like death on wheels or too overwhelmed? I’m completely drained and fatigued. My memory sucks right now. And it’s hard to focus or do my best at anything.