I suffer from anxiety every single moment from the time I wake up till the time I go to sleep I don’t take meds and don’t wanna be on them my symptoms are not being able to breath it comes and goes through the day also sometimes I feel like I’m choking and my heart beats really fast I been dealing with this since I was 13 but it intensified when my mom past last year .I am not depressed I love my life I just wish I could get rid of this feeling without taking anything.I never done drugs and never will and I do not drink so I deal with this condition head on all the time . Any advice ?
Anxiety : I suffer from anxiety every... - Anxiety and Depre...

Sorry you are going through this. Are you in therapy as that may help since you don’t want to take meds. Talking to someone who won’t judge you and who doesn’t know you really helps.
If you're able to go to sleep and escape your anxiety then you're doing better than I did before I went on medication! I used to be adamant that I wouldn't take anything but I had a breakdown last year and the doctor insisted I took something. I wasn't keen but I can honestly say it saved my life, that's no exaggeration. I'm pretty sure I would have attempted suicide if I hadn't taken the medication she put me on. There are a lot of myths surrounding medication for things like anxiety and depression but the newer ones are relatively safe, much safer than living like I was before I started treatment. The kind of thing doctors give you for anxiety are not like recreational drugs, they don't get you high. I can do things now that my anxiety used to stop me from doing before and I don't overthink everything any more or become an emotional wreck at the slightest thing like I used to. All it does is balance the chemicals in your brain, much less scary than the alternative. I felt a bit out of it for the first few days and had a bit of mild nausea for about a week but the initial side effects were nothing compared with how badly the anxiety used to affect me. It's definitely the lesser of two evils for me and a lot of people. I'm not saying it's necessarily the right thing for you, but go to a doctor with an open mind and tell them everything, they will be able to advise you on what is likely to help you. Please don't go on suffering unnecessarily, there is help available, you just have to reach out and accept it. I hope you get the help you need soon x
I appreciate this wow I thought I was alone I guess I’m afraid of the side affects of the meds ;( I have always been afraid of taking meds to to side affects
Hi Cisco123, whether it be medication and/or therapy, it really still boils down to you and you alone need to do something in order to go forward. I don't think there is one of us who isn't afraid to take medications. We get so desperate and then might reach out but wonder why popping a pill isn't the total answer. The same as therapy. It is only as good as what we make of it.
I have had a good amount of therapy over the years as well as small doses of benzos.
I didn't know at the time that I needed to find other ways to attack my anxiety issues and 5 years ago got off my medication. I found what works for me is Meditation, Deep Breathing, Self-Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Affirmations, Reiki, Biofeedback, Acupuncture,
Water Exercise and everything and anything else out there on YouTube (which is my Go To site)
So Cisco, it is possible to take this journey w/o the help of drugs/therapy, a little more
difficult but if determined, you will reach your goal never the same. Should you choose that route, we will be behind you and respect your wishes. I would suggest staying with the forum where you will have the support you need and not feel so alone. It takes practice, determination and will power but I think you can do it.
My best to you.
You can try an anxiety medication and don’t have to take it forever. I actually used to take klonopin whenever I felt anxious instead of everyday. So that’s an option. It’s hard to manage anxiety without medication but you can try meditation, talk therapy, massages, walks, exercise, etc. Best to you!
Cisco123 I won’t take meds either. I’m scared. But I do go to therapy and try to exercise since that seems to help. My feelings in my head come and go but I try to not think about them as best as I can. It’s hard but you can’t give anxiety the power. When you fuel it that’s when it is the worst.
Hello i do take meds but I think exercise and therapy will help also ,I still have my moments of anxiety even with meds and etc you just have to push thought them ...keep ur head up it will get better .🙂
Yeah, hang in there Cisco 123. I share your distrust of medication and have avoided that thusfar, but reading these other posts has softened my stance some. From the sound of things, you've tried most everything else already. Maybe start with a new counselor/therapist and see where that takes you. Be sure to walk him/her through your journey so far. I suspect that he/she will have seen similar patterns before and have some good direction for you.
I've had anxiety since I was 15. I never took medicine for it I just dealt with it. My anxiety would come and go only when it was very stressful or a death. I started taking medication off and on since 2015. Since 2015 it has been really ruff for me. My grandfather, cousin, and grandmother passed away recently within in 3 weeks of each other. My anxiety has been through the roof.