At 30, I should be grown up, matured and all that, but still insecure absolutely thick at most things.
I feel such a failure, I feel unmotivated to do or try anything. I feel like a waste of space on this earth and sometimes give up on being alive.
I still find it hard to understand people, like today, someone called up wanting me to pass a message to my dad, a normal person would easily know what he was saying without the need of writing things down.
But me I misheard and did not understand, making myself thick, my dad started moaning then about how thick I am,... as usual he moans about me to my mom saying I'm not all there and how embarassing it is when people talk to me and I don't say much.
Some people i just don't know what to say..
I was just not ready when tge phone mind went blank and it was hard to catch up....nobody gets it.
The volume went down and my ears was filled with pressure. But all I get is a complains.
I fear working for others because of this I fear not understanding them. I was like this in college during my late teens. Ridiculed for being a "mong".
I still have trouble making conversations and interacting with people, in my mind I know what to say, I'm quite social in my imagination, but put it to practice... I suck, it's like I'm socially disabled or have some kind of autism.
I hate being like this, I hate myself for who I am.
I isolated myself due to the loser I was in the past and still am.
I did stupid things in my early 20s and people around here especially my neighbours, people who knew me from school or college think I'm slow in the head, a weirdo..
My fault because of the way I act.
I tried my best to be like everyone else, but I can't. Once people think stuff about you, it's too late.
I even avoid seeing my uncle from America if I see him on holiday visiting relatives with my mom because I am ashamed of being so quiet and not saying much before, making myself look aloof and stupid...
I can't seem to push myself beyond my comfort zone, be normal, because I am filled with fear shame and anxiety.
I don't know how to let go of it.
I wasted my 20s, Living in my small little world, procrastinating, letting the past, social anxiety and all define me, I work at home on the family farm, I wrote it on here once...
I'm bored of it, I really don't have much choices, my parents are old in their 60s and 70s, complaining about pains, forgetting things, my dad having sleep disorders and its scary... and I feel too stuck in my insecurities without guilt rushing through me..
I know its my life and I can do what I like but it's not easy. Its not like living in a town. If I was living in a town, I think I would try and bugger off and do something different.
I can't simply pack up the next day or month. Its not so easy, its not profitable enough to hire someone else to do it. And the dogs don't listen to strangers anyway...there's about 6 if them.
My mom doesn't want to hear I want to do something different and doubts me....
I don't know what I'd like to do instead. I have no qualifications in anything else.
I did volunteering while doing CBT last year, in a town nearby with wildlife. I prefer wildlife than farm animals.... everyone were nice, but I always fear opening up too much to people. It hasn't given me an idea what I'd lije to do...
History and archeology interest me, but volunteer places are quite far away....
I don't really know how and where to start if I have a choice....all I know is I'm pretty much useless and thick. I been told many times in the past and it always appears thry were right.
I'm fed up of pretending all the time, pretending to be interested, pretending because I'm afraid to offend. Pretending because I don't really know what I want in life. Pretending because its what everyone else expect I do.
I mentioned this to my cousin in America who was angry at me for being like this, that farming "is my heritage" that my parents, grandparents and great grandparents would be dissapointed....(even if they're dead? Why would they care?)
Wished I did brick laying or an electrician in college all those years, then go abroad, better than this unprofitable boring job and boring life choices, working with farm animals and hoping buyers in the market will give something for them, and my dad and farmers moaning about sheep and cattle and how unprofitable farming is these days.
I lost interest in them especially sheep. Working for almost nothing, getting no thanks for it, just boredom.
I was brought up to beleive this is what I should be doing... so I tried to be interested.
I regret not doing something different before when I was younger. But I was too pathetic, stuck in my inner self pitty, hatred and mistrust, easy to take advantage of that I decided to nearly isolate myself.
Being a builder or electrician or something in construction could be bad if I mishear or misunderstand someone, I suck at maths anyways,so i have no idea if i could really do them, or they're just fantasies.
I have no motivation to go to college, especially in my 30s.
We are doing a holiday home up, I wanted to try teach myself plastering, painting and decorating, but still, my dad won't let me do it alone, always finds a fault, saying its not easy as I think or making excuses.
I seen how they do it on YouTube....but that's not good enough....
Same with driving farm machinery, I can drive a tractor, but can't do much like cut hay incase the blades break or there's a rock in the field.
Then moans to my mom a few years back that I'm the moans useless person in this area.
Nobody trusts me. I don't even trust myself sometimes.
To make it worse, I am always unwell with something, my head still feels like something heavy inside, my back always hurts, especially the lower back, and my hands and feet feel numb sometimes, plus I get burning feeling down my arm.
These feelings help me procrastinate.
I am sick and tired of waiting for these feeling to go, I feel seeing a doctor again and again is a waste of time, and I don't like to hassle them.....I'll lrobably get another bloodbtest, because I'm too thick anx blank to explain everything.....
still a part of me hopes it's cancer or something like brain aneurysmand it kills me suddenly, but its been there for 3 years, multiple symptoms.
I can't sleep at night, I hate sleeping at night, I end up awake till 1 or 2am, doing stuff on the tablet like youtubing and yeah I watch porn to distract myself....then wake up in the morning feeling tired, wish I could still go back to sleep or never wake up again.
I hate waking up to the same cycle over and over again.
Last Friday I felt so fed up, I was in town at the time and felt like jumping off a bridge, but anxiety got the best of me, it's quite high, It was just a thought....I don't want anyone seeing or identifying my corpse.
Sometimes I feel like booking a one way ticket out of here, let them do what they like with the farm and not come back or dissapear....must be better than suicide I guess....
But my mind is so full of guilt and unable to let go.
We live on this planet, then I don't know what happens next, it doesn't sound exciting..
I fear death, dying and old age, especially old age. I don't know what's the point of all of this anymore, you live then you die. Why am I me, why am I here....
Time seems to fly so fast.... its scary.
I did CBT, found it boring it wasnt as easy as I expected and it's hard for the therapist to understand, it helps with dealing with anxiety though...