I really dont like myself anymore. I feel like this always happens and I'm always going to be in this loophole. I feel happy, and I move on to something that makes me happy, and I end up here again. I dont understand why im not happy.
I recently got into an argument with a friend, my only friend currently, if I cant still call them that. I just moved. And they mentioned not feeling like they were even a friend to me, because I always talked about my problems to them.
I dont have the mind space to clearly even explain the facts of what i know happened. It feels like my head is clouded and all i can feel is an ache of something I dont understand. I dont know what I'm feeling. I was going to explain everything in detail, but i dont think i could.
What do i do? How do i stop feeling empty? How do I make sure I wont repeat this same process? How do I become happy again?