Ok Allen... calm yourself...
So about a month ago I made a new friend. It’s not my place to share her business but she left a bad marriage. She referred to herself once as having been “utterly destroyed.”
I didn’t argue with her that she shouldn’t feel that way. That’s how I’ve felt frequently over the years in my own bad marriage... but I did ask her a favor.
Please choose different words to describe yourself.
Our words carry more power than we realize and by choosing words that are more harsh and severe we risk further bringing down our self-worth.
What is broken can be fixed. What is destroyed cannot. I believe my friend can be happy one day. I believe you can be happy one day too.
I’m not encouraging you to lie to yourself about your situation but don’t describe yourself overly harshly.
You’re not a failure, you’re not where you’d like to be.
You’re not worthless, you’re in pain and struggle sometimes.
You haven’t been destroyed, you can be fixed.