Today I am frazzled. It is my least favorite state to be in because it portends anxiety washing over me in a wave that I cannot always control. I have been talking myself down off ledges for as long as I can remember and this self-care is becoming exhausting.
I am diverting my attention by focusing on the WHY today. I have discovered that although my analytical brain irritates a great many people, it helps me to be less…me…if I try to discover the source of my negative emotions. Frazzled translates to anger which is a mask for pain. I am agitated because I am angry and not angry really… more hurt. I have been alone most of the day so how could I possibly be hurt? If I retrace to the start of the day I find that I began being agitated in class. The agitation and anxiety increased throughout class until I found myself in my car after class crying, and as per usual, there was seemingly no reason. I engaged in the usual pep talk mantra “You are fine, You’ve got this” except spoiler alert, I most assuredly did NOT have this. This happens more frequently now and I rationalize it away…make excuses…I am pissed because my son in law broke the shelf in the hallway, or I am angry because my co-worker is a feminine hygiene product, but I realize none of those trivialities should/would cause the anxiety. Normalcy does not look like outbursts of emotion at inappropriate times. So, what is the deal today? Why class, where is the trigger?
Class re-iterates my feelings of unworthiness of not measuring up, of somehow being less than. Mind you, I have and always have had a 4.0 GPA. I was what they called “gifted” back in the day, and yet I am easily daunted into feeling inferior and like I do not belong in this class, in this University, in this city, in this country, on this planet. I would go further and say I do not belong anywhere right now. I feel displaced and I cannot remember the last time that I did feel as though I belonged somewhere.
Here is the rub…what my head knows and analyzes, the rest of me cannot seem to reconcile. So today, I am frazzled. I foresee one of those rough nights when the walls feel as though they are swallowing rather than embracing me.