I’m scared to death. I have to move from my apartment building for various reasons. I have absolutely no support system except for one friend who lives an hour away. So I see him maybe once a week for an hour or two. I am going to end up in to a place where I don’t know anyone I don’t drive I’m scared to death. Alone doesn’t even describe how I feel. I can’t really open up to anyone. To a certain extent I can but not how I need to. I can talk to my counselor but she’s been busy and hasn’t been responding to me and it’s by phone now since Covid. I don’t feel like my medications helping but I know that it’s doing some. I’m just so scared because I’m so alone
Idk which way is up or down - Anxiety and Depre...
Idk which way is up or down

Brokenankle, things are not as bad as they seem right now.
You see, when we experience anxiety disorder our nervous system becomes over sensitised. In this state every little problem appears to be ten times worst. We think everything is going to be the worst case scenario.
But that's only how we perceive things, it's not how things really are.
What's really going to happen is that you're going to move somewhere new and like it a whole lot better.
You're going to have new neighbours and make new friends. Good friends.
You should consider learning to drive. It will make getting around so much easier - specially visiting that good friend you already have.
Maybe that's not how you envisage coming events. But a few months from now you'll look back and realise this move was the thing that changed everything for the better.
Alone no longer!
Hi, the people on this site care. We may not be there with you in person , but we are here in spirit. You will get through this, I have faith in you.☺

Thank you so much. It’s so great to have people somewhere out there care about me
Wow, I'm sorry you are dealing with all this alone and crazy changes of life. Reach out to other friends and stay close online at least. Look for new friends online thru groups you are interested in. I pray this craziness of closed down life is fixed soon and we can get back to normal, even a better normal, but not this separatedness in everything. Keep reaching out online on other support groups and meet with people when you can, use your own reason and wisdom as to what you can do to see people. Take some b complex vitamin or a great multi with extra b in it to energize you and give you focus and magnesium in evenings to calm your mind body and spirit. Also, ginseng is great to get rid of sticky negative thoughts that loop. get out in sun daily at least 30 min without sunscreen to get your vit. D which is a mood enhancer. get barefoot outside to get grounded, and look at sky to see just how big God is. <3 Breathe deep and slow. <3 you got this, it is temporary. <3