One of my triggers is still when I go to a new Dr. And the nurse asks all the questions and the one concerning your parents medical history. I always say I was adopted, and they look at u like oh u wasn't wanted. Some will go on to say so u never knew anything about your parents. To this day I don't know who my father was. I believe I came in contact with him once. But still my parents were the ones that adopted me when I was 3 days old. My birth mother was going to sell me to someone else. Luckily for me my birth mothers, mother knew my parents and knew how much they wanted a child. So she stayed with me at the hospital till my parents could drive from Wyoming to California to pick me up. So anyone can have and make kids, it takes special people to be a mother and father. Sorry stuff like that is still a trigger for my depression and this just bothered me today. Thanks for listening.