I am extremely stuck and it feels like I'll never get out of this hole. I invested everything I had in someone that's abandoning me when I need help. What a huge 4 year lesson im learning...
Planted: I am extremely stuck and it... - Anxiety and Depre...

What are you stuck in? I always fear people will leave me once they find a new/better situation. I am always the loyal one who gets no help.

I support my boyfriend when he needed it really bad. Now I'm without a car, zero money, unfinished degree, no job, and he's driving in a decent car with a decent job and several thousand in the bank.... He doesn't seem to think I need a car or school or that we can afford to help me at all. I feel beyond stuck and I'm having a hard time seeing that light at the end of the tunnel.
Wow. He is a user. How can any human being with a heart do this to someone they care about. Have you shared this with your family 😾 He has completely taken advantage of you and your kindness. Also said meone who can watch u suffer seems dangerous to me.
I can't tell my parents.... They are not in a good position financially and they have a lot of health problems. I can't add to their stress.
Maybe a social worker it mental health clinic.

That would be free...?

Sometimes I feel like what I need is a life coach to help pull me out of this dark hole
Get a pen and not book!!!!!! 18 IDEAS THAT COULD HELP
1. Mentally prepare yourself for change by visualizing your ideal self. Who do you admire the most?
2. How do you envision yourself in the future? Who do you want to be? Visualize yourself to be that person.
3.Realize that unexpected events can be a good thing. As the Dalai Lama once said, “Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.”
4.Ask people you admire how they got where they are today. I’ve always admired my grandfather. Learning more about how he started up his business, dealt with difficulty throughout his life, and maintained grace throughout it all has helped me in my personal endeavors.
5.Cut back on alcohol, cigarettes and other vices. These can be crutches that cloud judgment. The money saved by not purchasing or cutting back on this type of material can then be put into something rewarding such as a vacation.
6.Remove elements of negativity from your life, be they people or a job you don’t want to do. If you have friends who are bringing you down, there’s no need to keep hanging out with them out of obligation. Cut your ties and cut your losses.
7.Start each day with a clear to-do list along with your cup of morning coffee, or tea. Knowing what you need to do in the day ahead helps keep you on track.
8.Institute a clear filing system for your personal records. Investing in a simple filing cabinet and folders with labels is something you don’t need a personal secretary for and makes your life much easier when you are looking for a specific item.
9.Do your grocery shopping for the week on the day it’s most convenient. Make a list, budget, and get only what you need to save time and money.
10.Take a career test that will help you identify your strengths. If you are unhappy with your career but don’t even know where to begin in the process of moving on, this can be a good way to identify strengths and new possibilities.
11.Meet with a professional counselor if there are issues you need to discuss. Many people are struggling with dead weight from the past or emotional baggage that is holding them back. Deal with them and move on with professional assistance.
12.Go through cabinets and throw out expired medications or food items. The last time I did this, I found everything from 3-year-old curry powder to 5-year-old aspirin. Throw them out.
13.Make a clear diet plan with an emphasis on whole grains, fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet plan has a tremendous effect on your overall energy levels.
14.Add vitamin pills to your daily diet. Vitamin supplements can help reduce the possibility of cancer and osteoporosis, among other disorders.
15.Work out a clear exercise plan with an activity that you enjoy such as dancing or biking. My girlfriend loves yoga, and I am a soccer enthusiast. As long as it’s active, it counts.
16. Art Therapy. anyone can benefit from art therapy.Art therapy can help improve various mental and pysical symptoms including, but not limited to, reducing pain, anxiety, and tension. It can be beneficial to those who have mental disorders, severe or light emotional abuse, cancer, post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD), people who are bipolar, and a variety of other serious ailments.
17.Set appointments you’ve been putting off. It’s easy to put off going to the doctor or dentist until we are sick, but preventive care is extremely important in overall health levels.
18.Take up a mental exercise. Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, or other word games along these lines are more than just a good way to pass time. They have been shown in studies to help improve overall mental capabilities.