This is my 1st time posting -my son recommended I try this. I have struggled with depression and anxiety for 30 yrs off and on. I am now seeing a therapist because I have a hard time leaving the house. Never had this before. The anxiety gets so strong when I think of going someplace I just talk myself out of it. Anyone else ever dealt with this? What do you do ? Help.
NancyLee: This is my 1st time posting... - Anxiety and Depre...

Love the pic it’s beautiful. My anxiety grows around people. Having to leave the house you to be at first but slowly just going to little places like a convenient store got easier. Sometimes just driving somewhere and not getting out there might help. Mirroring people helps. Looking at them all calm and if they can do it so can you..
Eagl, you are not alone. I was right where you are. 30plus years of Anxiety with 5 of them being Agoraphobic. I'm so glad your son recommended this site. You have just found one of the most inspiring, caring support forums that I know of.
With each of us sharing our struggles with mental illness, we gain the strength and understanding that it is not a hopeless cause. We all find different ways in going forward. Sometimes short term medication is warranted as well as therapy in helping us get unstuck and go forward. For me, it was medication and therapy, a lot of therapy in helping me believe in myself once more. Acceptance in knowing I had the choice of being in control of my life once more. I would no longer allow my mind to tell me what I could or couldn't do.
You are not alone. We walk the walk together. We comfort because we understand. You no longer have to take this journey alone. You have found us my friend. xx
Thank you for letting me know that I’m not the only one that is dealing with this. I wonder many days will it ever end. I know what to do to help myself but my mind takes hold and talks me out of it. I’ve only seen the therapist once so far and I have hope that each week will help me move forward. Your advise is very good too. Thank you.
I see a therapist every week and it’s helped me sooo much.. you are not alone!
Hi NancyLee and welcome. It might be helpful to plan small outings at first. My daughter would plan a trip to the local store to buy something small. She would then visualize the trip in her head and how she wanted it to play out. She would review it several times then try the trip. It did help her.
Yes I’ve dealt with this before I constantly worried what others would think about me, I have social anxiety so it makes it a lot harder. it’s not easy but you just need to push yourself through this rough patch
Hi pink. Thank you - yes I need to push my self out the door. I talk myself out of it when I plan a trip out to the store or any place. It’s just so hard to be controlled by your own mind.
It’s hard but I promise you the more you push yourself and the more you get out of the house the easier it will be x
I think there are days when it is alright to just stay put. I can be going along just fine for a while, but then depression comes back strong plus anxiety over a financial matter or what-not - and sometimes it's okay to just stay home... I work on artistic things that keep me engaged or if I'm in really bad shape, I'll watch a movie or something about someone else's life on tv... you are not the only one!
I am glad your son encouraged you to share. He sounds like a great son who cares about you a lot. Just taking that first step is so important. Do you ever ask your son to go with you places when you feel overwhelmed? Having his physical support could make a big difference.
Thank you for your response. My son lives in NY so that not an option. Today I see my therapist and I hope our talk will help. I feel so hopeless these days.
I hope you are feeling better!
Hi Deb. Therapy once a week has helped give me more tools to work on the anxiety. Seems better over this weekend. Thank you for asking. Hope you are moving forward also. Gonna try and go out and buy some jeans this week. See how that feels and goes. Or will I talk myself out of it when the time comes. Just gotta push thru it.
Yes I have dealt with this for 29 years. By the way beautiful picture, I have one like that my Aunt gave me! You have to fight for yourself. Try to focus on the positive things as that reeds more positive, when negative comes in push it away. You have to retrain your brain. Remember the power your brain has, we only use 10%. I've got your back. Wishing you peace of mind! Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!!!

Thank you for encouragement. I wish the same to you. I too have dealt with anxiety for as long as you. Keeping that positive mind going is key. So why is it so hard to keep it in positive mode. I have your back also. I pray each day for ALL who have to live with depression and anxiety. Peace and a relaxed mind to you.
It's the least we have learned how to live with it & know it passes! Love, peace, joy & hugs!!!
I too struggled with leaving the house this summer. You are not alone. When in the grips of anxiety, everything seems impossible. My advice would be to go out. It’s hard. It’s scary. But it’s what you need to do. I had a great friend force me out of the house for my birthday and lived me through a panic attack on the middle of lunch. But I tell you what, that made all the difference and was a HUGE turning point for me. You can do this.
Thank you Jodi. This week I will give the push I need and go shopping for jeans. Just writing this I can feel the anxiety. So crazy isn’t it. When I’m with someone it’s better. Scared to go alone. But gotta do it. Only way to move forward.