Hi there, ive been under extreme anxiety lately. I thank i have IBS because of my anxiety. Few months ago i went to the hospital because i had a burning sensation in my upper stomach( it was lots of acid because anxiety and stress) now I feel blotted, heavy and crampy like periods in my lower abdomen. I am sometimes constipated and sometimes with some diarrhea, I wont stop me from sleeping, but everytime I eat I get blotted and hurts. Most of the time I feel good after a bowel movement. I was wondering.... are this symptoms like IBS ? I'm going to the doctor but I'm just very anxious they tell me is something else worst. If this sounds like IBS what do you do to make it better? This just triggers my anxiety even worst because I am constantly thinking about it.
IBS and anxiety: Hi there, ive been... - Anxiety and Depre...
IBS and anxiety

Try probiotics, works great. I wish you all the best. Love, peace, joy, light & hugs!!!
Hey Tjgg. Sounds like IBS to me. Just don’t google anything or you’ll get a lot of scary information! Everything you’re suffering, are symptoms I have had or have now. I’ve also had to have an endoscopy for that burning feeling - I have some inflammation at the entryway to my stomach. All thanks to Anxiety and stress. I have all sorts of pains and sensations - all manner of poop too (sorry if tmi!).
It’s always best to check with your doctor if you can. I know that sounds scary and will only add to your anxiety. But if you check in with your doctor you will at least get some advice.
Everyone manages IBS differently. I’ve lived with it for over 30 years in all its lovely forms. I wouldn’t recommend suddenly cutting lots of things out of your diet. Keep a note of what you eat each day and how that affects your burning in your stomach and your bowels. If you do decide to cut anything out, just do it one thing at a time, with each foodstuff being cut out every couple of weeks.
In my case, I cut out wheat and lowered my dairy intake a good bit. I also try to watch saturated fats too (but that’s only because I have gallstones) - annoyingly I’m not like a model by now (still dumpy and a bit chubby!). I have medication for the acid stomach and I take Laxido (a gentle laxative) once a day, to keep me regular. A lot of IBS-D is actually caused by being constipated - we get so backed-up, that we get overflow diarrhoea 😕.
If you’ve been under a lot of stress and anxiety, that is not going to help you. The gut is basically another brain and will react to anxiety in particular. So you might need something to help you with that and that, in turn, can settle the guts down a bit, xx
Thanks ! That's actually one thing I did... I googled sintoms and my anxiety got worst. Because according to google I have all this types of cancer. I'm just so stressed out right now and so anxious that is not fun.
Been there! And the problem is, IBS has so many symptoms that are similar to more sinister conditions. I hate all the uncertainty of having pain. I know how worrying it is. I once googled “fungal nail infection” and it led to cancer. The temptation to google is overwhelming at times - when we’re highly anxious, all you want is reassurance....and google is so deadly available.
Anxiety does a lot of horrible things to your body. Over the years I’ve had chronic fatigue because of it, flu symptoms, terrible headaches, joint pain....IBS....I could go on.
I’m so sorry you’re having such a rough time. 😕
This could me writing this post. I deal with the exact same things and the bloating feels terrible!! It feels like I’m Winnie the Pooh and I ate too much on the blustery day. Lol!!!

I know! Its awful do you feel the same on the lower abdomen with the bloating? They kind of feel like cramps but they dont really hurt much. I guess is more of the bloating that bothers
I get a lot of cramps and pain down low in the abdomen....and also everywhere else 😬
I’ve had stomach cramps so bad before that I would throw up from the pain. This has happened so many times in my life. If my stomach starts cramping in the least little bit I won’t go anywhere cause I’m scared it’s gonna happen again.

That’s just awful 😞. Do you ever have a tender abdomen? I’m always prodding my belly (health anxiety, always checking things) and my abdomen is often tender
Sometimes it is. I even think it is what causes my lower back pain too. Your tummy can mess with you a lot. One time I was passing a lot of blood. I was scared then and praying a lot.

We sound like we suffer the same things. And I pray so much too for help. My back is so very sore just now and I’m quite scared,
I woke up this morning and took Tylenol and rubbed my back with muscle rub gel The last few mornings have been that way.

I get back pain a lot and my doctor says it’s down to chronic constipation. I was terrified I had ovarian cancer the first time my back pain was really bad, but I got scanned and was ok. But it keeps coming back and I can’t cope with the worry!
I know and it can cause agony!! It is crazy how bad that can hurt.
Omg I am sorry you all are going through this!!! I suffer from back pains around my sicle, but no thing mayor. I also looked up at ovarian cancer, and you knows that's what google says. That's why I was so anxious this past weekend. All I did was cry and cry and pray and pray.
Oh I know so well how you feel. Crying and praying - that’s me. Last time I had these pains, I got a scan and everything was fine. But I still worry. It’s exhausting 😕
Omg I'm going through this now and thinking I have the same thing, I have same exact symptoms and I have no medical insurance and just pray because Im really scared and think I have ovarian cancer too. Im full of anxiety, worry and feel sick and depressed now 😑😐
The trouble with anxiety, IBS and so many other conditions is that it's difficult to ascertain which symptoms belong to which disorder. I thought I had IBS but it turns out I have a food intolerance to strawberries and kiwi fruit! I struggled with lots of unpleasant symptoms before putting 2 and 2 together when my younger daughter as a baby would throw up and have diarrhoea after eating strawberries. As she takes after me I decided to try cutting out strawberries and kiwi fruit as they both contain the same protein in the seeds which some people can't metabolise. I've still got a bit of a delicate digestive system but I don't suffer nearly as much as I used to and my daughter is the same. I'm not suggesting you should cut out whole food groups such as gluten or dairy without checking with your doctor first, but the possibility is worth considering. I hope you get some relief soon x
You my friend have classic symptoms of IBS, congratulations! It's a living hell sometimes. Go see your Dr. they may have something they can give you. Good luck!