I'm struggling with severe anxiety and have been since Friday, April 3rd. I can't sleep hardly at all, and when I try to drift off to sleep, I'm jolted awake. Here are my symptoms: intense fear, sense of impending doom, fear of death, fear of contracting coronavirus, stomach distress, softer stools, tense calf muscles, crying because I'm scared, increased heartbeat to 115-125, constant worrying, stress eating mainly junk food and severe insomnia. I take Zoloft daily, as well as daily Buspar and a small amount of Klonopin. I'm going to call my psychiatrist tomorrow and see what she thinks I should do. I have been using a mindful meditation app that I play at night to try and help me get sleepy enough to fall asleep and to try and ease my anxiety, but it's taking me 2+ hours to get to that point. I've been praying for help, crying out for help, and feeling extremely restless because of this severe anxiety. Here are a couple of stressors that I believe are adding to this severe anxiety... the uncertainty and unknown of coronavirus, I'm moving into a new home next weekend and have been preparing for the move for several weeks with being busy constantly, and I'm wanting to try and get pregnant for my 2nd child (for 15 months now, with no luck), though afraid that now isn't a good time, but is there really a "great" time to have a baby? Does anyone have any tips, suggestions, things they have tried that may work to help me get out of this severe anxiety that is robbing me of my life at this time? Please help, as I'm suffering from this severe anxiety and I don't like this feeling in any capacity.
Any help for several anxiety? - Anxiety and Depre...
Any help for several anxiety?

Oh, and I've started to limit my exposure to news and social media now because of the scary and negative things I hear and see.
Hello Raena, I'm sorry your going through this. I definitely can relate to some of what your going through. It's your(nervous system) is on high alert that has accumulated. All the physical symptoms your feeling is your brain triggering your body, from all your thoughts, what your telling yourself or what your perceiving is real external of you (your environment) that your in danger, pressures of life or potential threats to happen to you. Just reconize that all your symptoms IS JUST ANXIETY THAT'S ALL. The hardest part is feeling all that physical symptoms. Accept what your feeling, it's ok, take slow deep diaphragm breaths until you are calm. Distraction is the best thing, find something you enjoy doing and be emersed in it. Visualize yourself being the best version of you in the near future, and believe it in your whole heart it will happen or is already happened. It's important what your telling yourself daily. Take care.
I suffer from bad anxiety and lately also I have been having the same issues you described.
I’ve been trying to distract myself as much as possible, yoga, putting on music and dance videos to try to lift my spirit...also going for a walk although even going outside now is a stressor in itself. Taking hot baths. I chatted with some friends tonight on an app called zoom that took my mind off of things for a bit.
I hope you can find something to soothe you, just know you aren’t alone out there.
I hope you find peace. The issue is trying to fight these fears. Try exploring them and saying “so what”. I know that seems short and simple but saying that actually helps. I hope you find the help you need in this community

This is a new concept to me I think it might help. Thanks for putting this here.
Also look into reading the panic attack workbook. This book helps so much. And the funny thing is that I’ve resisted it for years until my therapist told me to buy it. Turns out that the author is the same owner of the anxiety coach website that I’ve frequented for years. Small world!
Raena thank you for sharing your deep thoughts. I know it is hard to do sometimes. I too have high anxiety and this is what I am told to do and hope it helps you too. I try to take the negative thoughts/energy that come at me and try to turn it into positive productive energy/thoughts. I practice "self-talk" where I tell myself positive things. for what a person believes and where they put their energy into truly matters. for what you believe in will attract it. it is also truth from experience. Believe in yourself. focus. "self-talk" is like speaking positive words into yourself. such as, "I am ok for this moment", I do not believe or give my energy/thoughts to (name what it is)". "I have what I need for this moment". "today is what I focus on." my friend, you are valuable, you were created with a purpose. you must not allow what ifs to control you for it will only steal, kill and destroy your joy for this current moment/day. It is healthy to set goals but, be patient. ask yourself, "what can I learn from this time of waiting?" then, go from there with those actions. Do you try to make things happen if the time is not naturally happening. just let your mind feel at peace and enjoy your new home. the experience of it. make a schedule of what you want to do each and allow yourself some free time for "self" to recharge your mind. keeping busy is good but also a person needs down time to relax the brain. if it is racing with thoughts good or bad, its going to naturally keep you awake. Focus, stay positive and productive. take one thing at a time. not everything all at once. set goals and take small steps to get there so you can feel like you have accomplished something. it will help as well.
Thank you so very much for your helpful tips. I had a difficult night last night and called to leave a message with my psychiatrist to see what I can do medicinally. I will definitely try what you said. I think I sometimes do too much and don't give myself a break, then I crash physically but not mentally. At night time is the worst time of anxiety for me, but I'm currently working on it. Thank you again.
Raena glad to help you. here for you anytime. inbox me.. private message me. be glad to help if you need to talk ...
Hi Raena, I totally understand. I've been there too. It's hard to breathe, I think I'm holding my breath, and then I have stomach problems. What seems to help with breathing/stomach is really trying to focus on what I need right now, instead of what I should do. Also, while I'm awake and can't sleep, I do whatever makes me happy (like watching cat videos or another Hallmark movie) to make the most of insomnia. And then I let myself take naps if I can during the day. Good luck and you're not alone
Reading books will keep your mind very cool and also it helps to reduce stress. Playing musics and hearing song will helps to reduce stress.