Super Anxious: I am writing today bc I... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Super Anxious

KDJTrainer profile image
17 Replies

I am writing today bc I am very sad and anxious. My husband and I moved in June from downtown Chicago to a tiny town in WI (it was our second home, I know I am very lucky.) We were doing great but then he lost his job 3 years ago and was never able to get back to where we were. I was a personal trainer for 14 years. I couldn’t support our lifestyle on my salary. I miss my old life and feel very homesick. This is a huge loss, along with the fact my mom fell and broke her hip one week before we moved and I am the only one who helps her of my siblings. I don’t have a job right now and I feel very isolated. My friends have been coming up in the weekends but then Sunday nights I get very anxious. We almost lost everything, hence the reason we moved. I am paralyzed with anxiety and fear. I am trying to get back to normal but I am having a very hard time. My husband is doing a start up, so he’s not getting paid at the moment. I need health insurance but I don’t even know how to get it. I’m really scared today. I used to have a great Dr. I talked to but I don’t even know how to find one in WI. I am really struggling today. I hate being negative. I am just really scared. Thank you for listening.

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KDJTrainer profile image
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17 Replies
gogogirl profile image

You're not being negative- you're being authentic-welcome to the site.

Hello KDJ!

I’m experiencing many of the same issues as you! I’ve been blessed enough to find myself now, for the first time in my life, poor. What an eye-opener! I try to see it as a necessary evil I must go through to, surely, help someone else some day or enhance my journey! 🙂 I see it as a challenge to be tackled. I do not worry about the future. My sanity and well-being depend on it! They are close to foreclosure on our home. My husband’s job just cut his pay in half last keeps rolling. This is all new to me and it’s quite a shock! I had to get my insulin from Canada because I can’t afford it here. I went without until I could afford it from Canada! But, KDJ, it’s ok in today!! 🌺 I’m doing all I can to help. I will pack up and go when I’m told to do so 😯 I refuse to let it worry me today. I have things I want to do today. Let it all go just for today...I challenge you, my friend! 😃 We can get through this together! 🌺😊🌺

Marshall64 profile image
Marshall64 in reply to

Sorry to hear that. I hope this doesn't sound glib, but you are on this site offering so much help here that I figured you "got everything together". I guess it is because you are so helpful and are always mentioning gratitude. It is really a testament to you that you can keep pushing on for yourself and others through your own trials. I want to be like you.😊

Wishing the best for you...

in reply to Marshall64

You’re too kind Marshall! No one is exempt from issues! That doesn’t mean we can’t reach out to others...🙂🌷

KDJTrainer profile image
KDJTrainer in reply to

I’m sorry about your house. But in the end, who cares. I got wrapped up with “stuff” and in the end, it doesn’t matter. I know everyone likes nice things. Honestly, all that materialistic stuff doesn’t matter.

I’d rather have friends.

We can talk more but idk how to dm ppl on here. Lol. You r doing good. ♥️

in reply to KDJTrainer

Exactly! It doesn’t really matter...I agree! I tend to appreciate the small things in life anyway. Keeping my loved ones close and being able to see the sun rise is all I need. 🌼🙂🌼

KDJTrainer profile image
KDJTrainer in reply to

How’s it going for you today? I haven’t figured out this site yet so bear with me. I was struggling today. I’m so mixed up with the move, my mom, a job possibly. I’m mostly homesick and my mom is never gonna get better. I don’t know how to get over leaving everything I knew. It’s the strangest feeling. Hugs, Katy

fighterlife profile image

Hey! Anxiety can be very debilitating! I've experienced it. The move, the job loss, the family issues all add to it. Being out of town can feel very isolating as well which simply multiplies your anxiety. Here's what I can suggest:

1. Breath

2. Be thankful

3. Repeat : )

There are also some other things I'd suggest. Have you reached out to a local pastor or counselor? Have you opened up to a friend? Talking about with others can relieve the burden you feel you carry alone. I've found relief with all three sources. If you need some local contacts for counselors who can help with anxiety and stress you can call this free number 855-382-5433 and they will direct you to local help!


KDJTrainer profile image
KDJTrainer in reply to fighterlife

Thank you so very much. That’s what I do. I’m better today. I just keep beating myself up. I had it all, and I screwed it up. By trying to help my family.

Agora1 profile image

Hi KDJTrainer. I'm in Chicago, a wonderful town but sometimes long for the peace

and tranquility of Wisconsin. It's a beautiful state. I know it's more than the move creating

your anxiety. I'm glad you found this support site. It might not solve your issues but you will at least know you are not alone and that we are here to listen and support you.

Wishing you peace in your heart and mind. xx

KDJTrainer profile image
KDJTrainer in reply to Agora1

Thanks so much. I’m from the North Shore and lived in the Gold Coast for 15 years. I live in Lake Geneva now. I’m so confused. Why did this happen to me? We had to move to our Lake House. It’s really nice but I am frozen up here. Idk I miss downtown so much. I feel like a part of me has died. 😢💔

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to KDJTrainer

OMG KDJ, when I said Wisconsin, I meant Lake Geneva and Lake Como. Use to go

up there from the time I was little. Always wondered what it would be like to live

there permanently. It's so the complete opposite of downtown Chicago. I will agree

that's quite a change. I hope eventually you find yourself again. Maybe you need more time. In any effect, I wish you some peace in your heart and mind. xx

KDJTrainer profile image
KDJTrainer in reply to Agora1

Thank you so very much! ♥️🙏💕

KDJTrainer profile image
KDJTrainer in reply to KDJTrainer

My bffs mom died and I have to go to Winnetka Saturday and it’s bring up so many memories!

Hi, remind yourself that it is only temporary. Hang in there and don’t give up! Have you checked into MHA they offer support. Also I personally know some Churches are always there to willing to lend a hand with helping people pay for medication and something. . Regardless if your spiritual or not.. It might be worth to call and speak with someone there and also you might feel find less isolated....Food for thought

KDJTrainer profile image
KDJTrainer in reply to

Thank you so much! It’s so nice to have people on here that actually care. ♥️♥️♥️

Iana_ profile image

KDJTrainer, hey! I just read about your situation and i wanna tell you that i feel you. Last november in 1 day i lost my jod, my dad had a heart stroke and lately both mom&brother were brushed. It was really dark time. All of us tried to help dad as he was firstly in coma and after left side paralized. All my savings, which i've made since 2014 were spent on the reabilitation. Only after 6 months i found a new job which wasn't the same level as i had before, struggling in LDR i kept saying to myself that it ALL has the reason and God never gives us smt we are not able to go through. I'm not that type of person who complain or being negative around my friends, so i didn't share much the situation, but nevertheless to say that my friends helped me a lot by just being around, rarely inviting for home dinner or walk. It gave me the air i needed that time. Today it all changed. After 10 months i got a relly good job, which i like, my dad can walk and talk again, brother also got new job.

Keep in mind that it all temporary and after the darkness its always sunrise. Just try to do what you can do today and be open for new opportunities, try smt you've never done before as specialist. Good luck!

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