I was supposed to start training at my new job as a LPN today and was so anxious prior to going to work, I could not get out of bed. I missed my training day at a good paying job & have been beating myself up all day, crying hysterically, etc. Anxiety is no joke and I wish there was a cure for it. I'm on disability for it now but really want to work. I've struggled since I was 15 years old at my first job & in high school. I'm about ready to give up! So frustrated because I did so desperately want to work but anxiety is in my way!!!
Anxious: I was supposed to start... - Anxiety and Depre...

It's very understandable why you were so anxious before your first day at something new. Anyone would be a little nervous doing that, but anxiety magnifies it 1000 times. Please don't give up. Don't let your fears win. There must be another opportunity for you someplace. You're right - this is no joke, and the answer is to face it and get through it. You CAN do this. I know you can, because you want to so badly. Just keep going forward.
Good for you for taking that step to get this training. You clearly are determined to take positive strides in your life. It may not feel like you can get through this level of anxiety, but you can and will. I do get what your experiencing. I went through the same thing in my younger years. I’m down the road aways and the anxiety doesn’t have a hold on me. It was paralyzing. Just keep taking the steps. Learn how to be proud of yourself for things you can do. Build up those things because those things are monumental accomplishment. Today’s experience is an opportunity to practice self compassion. You didn’t fail today, your just learning. The next opportunity will come.
I am in the exact position. Im only 21 but working has been so difficult because of the anxiety I can’t do it. On top of that I’m financially struggling and it all just stresses me out because I want to be independent and not rely so much on my parents because they have their own obstacles to deal with
Truthfully I don’t see myself living past 25. I’m not sure why I think this way but I do. Im always trying to convince myself I’m okay. I can train my brain to think a certain way so I wouldn’t feel or act they way I do. My brain is sick and I can’t explain why sometimes I feel good and sometimes I feel bad. I listen to people stress about their own lives that I feel terrible and selfish to talk about my own. Like what I’m doing right now. Im dealing with a heartbreak for 2 years and I’ve humiliated myself over and over. And when I think of the situation I feel physical pain in my chest. Being in love with someone who doesn’t love you back and not being smart enough to move on. I cant talk to my parents because they don’t understand and then I get angry and lash out even though they’re just trying. People talk to me yet I feel lonely. Extremely alone. I’ve turned to God but I still feel this pain. Mentally it’s like flu season and I have to stay away from healthy people because I’ve got a virus, I’m contagious. I’ve rambled and this whole post doesn’t make sense. Im just so tired
Dont beat yourself up over it. I lost 2 jobs due to anxiety and depression and not being able to get out of bed. I remember laying there just thinking what's the point, I'm never gonna get better but I am, I am getting better. I'm so happy I didn't give up and u shouldn't either. U may still be able to start ur lpn job. Best of luck to u
I hope you see a professional about this. Everyone gets anxious before trying something new- so please try not to be angry about this, and maybe try this again. It sounds like you are very interested in this job!