I have been at this new job for 3 months and work 12-16 hour days and bring work home with me. I am so stressed and anxious that I have diarrhea. I am having trouble getting out of bed just to go to work. Doctor says that until it starts affecting my relationships or work we don’t need to discuss. I don’t know what to do.
Anxious : I have been at this new job... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi silentmay2001, I tend to disagree with your doctor. I think your body is telling you that you are more than stressed right now. Why wait until the roof caves in. Is there any way for you to take some "me time" for yourself either through therapy or finding quiet mind escapes at home. You can't keep burning the candle at both ends. I care xx
I disagree with your Dr also. There are meds for anxiety. The least he can do is give you a low dose. Why are you taking work home with you or do you mean you're just thinking of it constantly? Are you nervous while you're at work? What kind of work is it? I wish I could be of more help. You have to find some way to unplug. Music you like? Going for a walk? Talking to a friend? Keep posting to vent or whatever you need to do. We support you.
Thank you! I do both bring work home and constantly think about it. I have tried music and I love reading but just can’t seem to get to it. Those are my go to things and they are not helping. I have been able to keep my depression in check but with the added stress and anxiety it’s been bad. I have been thinking about a job change again because the work situation is not going to get better. I even made myself do yard work most of yesterday and it didn’t help alleviate anything. I can relax for an hour but then I am back to the stress and anxiety. Thank you talking it does help a little. Have any other suggestions.
What is it about your job that makes you anxious?
I can relate, as my last job caused me much anxiety and depression because it’s something I didn’t really want to do one bit. I also brought a lot of work home, so I definitely know how that felt
Maybe you have too much work. Talk to your boss about this problem.