So I was talking to one of friends on the phone and I was telling him how today wasn't a great day for me.. that I was basically in bed all day besides from getting up a few times to get a drink or whatever .. I had told him I was supposed to clean my house today but I didn't cause I was too depressed and had no energy .. and then he went on to say if I got up a few times then I could of cleaned and that it is all mind over matter....I told him that he didn't understand... But is it mind over matter?
Hmmm.?: So I was talking to one of... - Anxiety and Depre...
I am feeling the same right now, I've been in bed all day because I have no energy but I have to cut the grass because I have court for not cutting the grass. I don't know about mind over matter but I just got up and got dressed went to the store for some red bulls.
I drank one and I'm not even halfway through. I'm in Texas and it's 100 degrees out side and I have to keep moving forward.
I hope I don't die out there, I have to be in court tomorrow. Lol. I guess try to motivate yourself and just do a little and if you want to do more do more, if not then don't, don't beat yourself up over something like that it's not worth it.
It will be ok, little bit at a time. We care about you here and I just want you to feel better,lots of love to you
Well if it was none of us would ever be depressed so I think your friend is totally wrong and you are right he doesn't get it.
Tell him if he was a good friend he would offer to come over and help you! x
I think it is important to do something each day that is an accomplishment no matter how small, you will feel better about yourself and little victories add up over time. Last year I was agoraphobic and barely drove. Today I drive more and with less anxiety. Everyday do something, start small.
Hypercat is right. Your friend, like most non-sufferers, simply doesn't understand.
If you had sunglasses and a cane, or braces on your legs, people would understand. But since this affliction is not visible, and they never had it, it doesn't exist to them. If you could just "snap out of it", no one would have depression. Who would choose to live like this?
You have a medical disorder that needs treatment, like any other disorder. I hope you are seeking treatment for it.
Hello Kay!
For me, there’s an element of mind over matter. If I’m idle for too long, I end up just wallowing in my misery...if I get up and do something, I try my best to stay out of my head and focus on that one thing. Usually, I’ll end up with some relief from my misery and a sense of accomplishment from doing that one thing. As lynnalice pointed out, it has to start somewhere and small little things can add up to big things. I try to convince my head to put my body in motion. It won’t kill me! It all starts in my head...🌼✌🏻🌼
I have had depression my whole life, with episodes of psychotic depression. I have stayed in bed, when I didn't feel like getting up. I have forced myself to get out of bed, when I didn't feel like getting up. I had to care for my kids. Of the two, I think I felt slightly better, by just getting up, and trying to get through a normal day. Staying in bed gave me a better opportunity to dwell on all the rotten things depression tells me.