Hi , I'm John and new to this group too. I have been having severe panic attacks every morning. Ive been trying to meditate and excrercise which helps some and just started Xanax yesterday. The big struggle is why is this happening to me and it wont stop which I know we all feel. My issue is my wife gets mad and we can't talk about it and I nee to talk. How is the best way to get your spouse to understand, I just want her to tell me everything is ok but she is getting dustantbwhichqkes me more anxious.
New and need help: Hi , I'm John and... - Anxiety and Depre...
New and need help

Are you seeing a Dr. ot therapist? If so maybe she should go with you, or maybe get some info on the internet so she can try to relate to what you are going through. I think it's difficult sometimes for folks to "get us"!!! Just keep communicating with her. I wish you the best! Peace!!! XXX

Hopefully seeing a therapist next week or two. I think being able to talk about it will help and I can't with my wife as she does not understand as she does not worry about anything. Thanks for replying
It's really hard to be understood! I'm here for you!!! Hang in there & continue to work on you...who knows maybe one day she will jump on the wagon with you! I wish you peace of mind! XXX
Don’t take it to heart ! It’s easier said than done . But unless someone has experienced the shear terror of a panic attack they seldom understand and therefore don’t know how to sympathise . I’m sure she loves you very much but in all honesty she can’t help you. Only you can help yourself this sounds like a movie haha but ‘the power lies within’. Your mind is creating these symptoms therefore your mind can eliminate them (also easier said than done) but take it from someone who’s been to hell and back many times with bloody stupid panick attacks ! You can do this you just need to sort of go with it let go and think if I die I die what’s the worst that can happen ? That is the worst and if it happens your not here no more to suffer so hey ho !!! Try and find something that chills you out which is again hard when your feeling dreadful but even if it lasts for a long time I promise eventually it will ease because your mind will soon realise that your not dying because your still bloody here haha . It’s a nightmare I know this but just know your not alone it’s the most common mental health problem on earth. And I’m not suprised the amount of stress everyone is under !! Just don’t be angry with your wife or stressed about it it’s not her fault she doesn’t understand! Thank god because you wouldn’t want her too really! I know it’s hard but just go with the flow what will be will be !
Thanks for the positive post. The shear terror is the worst and at times don't know how to go on as the terror sucks. Happy to know there are others out there like you to talk to to feel normal. I feel guilty for feeling this way which then makes it double worse
You can't shouldn't feel guilty about what you're going through...you did not ask for this...it's like any other disease! Be kind & gentle with yourself!!!
I know guilt just makes things worse though. It’s not like it’s your fault no one wakes up in the morning and thinks I really want a panic attack today haha! The dreaded things just come out of nowhere and the more you worry about them the more they come so just ride the waves 🌊😁 also maybe try some cbd oil that can really help and it herbal so no health risks . I find it takes the edge off of things. Also try to do something kind for yourself every day even if it’s something small like having a shave or tidying a room . Random little things seem to make me feel more positive.
She may not be the person to lean on. Trying to get something from some who cannot give it to you will lead to a lot of frustration and hurt. It is on her to learn about your illness. She can seek that education by asking you about it, or by reading, support groups, videos, etc. In the meantime, lean on us. Find a support group for yourself. Take care of yourself.
Hi John and Welcome!
My panic/anxiety attacks are also in the morning. They actually wake me up with an icy cold feeling in my chest, pounding heart, dry mouth, and utter dread and fear of any worst case scenario my brain can create as it gives in to anxiety. Once awake, usually much earlier than I normally wake, I’m up and trying to go back to sleep makes it worse. My boyfriend understands anxiety, but my anxiety triggers his so I just sit with it when I desperately wish I could just let it out and have him reassure me that I’m not alone and that he is there for comfort until the storm is over. Does any of this sound familiar?
The good news, you will feel better with time as you are already seeking help through finding a therapist and you joined an online group of amazing people who understand, care, offer support, and will always be here for you.
I’ve been with this group for 3 weeks. I started seeing a therapist at the same time. I also started to wean back on my Zoloft after weaning off 7 mo ago. I can say there has been significant improvement from where I was 3 weeks ago to where I am today. I still wake with that cold sensation of dread in my chest, but it no longer lingers into my day. The morning anxiety is much less severe and with a lot of work on my part and is starting to fade away.
There is hope and tons of help. You aren’t alone in this fight.
That is exactly my scenario and it is the worst. Had a huge one yesterday am so went to docs and started Xanax. Today another one and my chest stills hurts and just want someone to say everything is going to be ok. Thanks for sharing your story as it's my every morning and I don't look forward to anything anymore. I know it's work but the anxiety does not let me do the work ! An eviel catch 22.
Welcome ravnfool. There are lots of people on here with anxiety/panic attacks. You are amongst friends that do understand and with people to say, "It will be ok.". May not be able to tell you when but eventually you'll feel better. It may return but hopefully you will learn some coping skills on here and with your therapist. I don't have panic attacks per say. I have chronic depression with explosive episodes with such rage its scary. In such case I usually want to hurt myself but I'm learning to just go to bed, cry myself to sleep. I have to fight off the urge to go to sleep permanently. You will be better. Keep fighting.