Amidst our struggles, life can take us by surprise in a good and unexpected way...
A bit of history: Years ago back in the early 90s I worked for a corporation as a computer programmer. I was miserable with my job. I mean I was nice and had a good attitude with my coworkers... but sitting in front of a computer screen all day wasn’t for me. However, the great pay kept me there. ... At work there was this “click” amongst my coworkers. I was never part of the office click whatsoever and never cared for them nor felt liked by them.
Fast forward 25 years... this morning I’m out and about running errands. This man approaches me with a huge smile on his face and says, “Michael Zephyr! Do you remember me?” I had no idea who he was. Then he told me that he was one of my coworkers from the company back in the 90s. He was very excited to run into me and told me how glad he was to see me after all these years. So we chatted for a while and got caught up. Afterwards he asked if we can keep in touch and we texted each other our phone numbers.
Here’s the surprise... he was one of the “click” members at work but always liked me. I had absolutely no idea whatsoever. I always thought the “click” wanted nothing to do with me.
After all these years he still works with the same people and he’s going to let them know he ran into me. He told me they’ll all be excited about hearing about me.
So here I am 25 years later completely taken by pleasant surprise. It just goes to show, sometimes when we feel disliked by others, it’s our own self dislike at play. Anyway, running into my previous coworker truly made my day.