I have had anxiety of every type as long as I can remember. About 15 years ago I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder and put on Paxil. Once on Paxil OCD came out of nowhere. I began worrying and obsessing nonstop. After going through a long list of medications I ended up on one that works, Anafranil(Chlomipranine). I have taken 300mg of this medicine for the past decade. While the obsessions have stopped, weight gain and fatigue become the norm. I have 2 kids and I am happily married. Still, I feel that this medicine has come with its fair share of side effects, some that have become worse the longer I take the medicine. I have mentioned to my doctor about lowering the dose or trying another medicine but he will not even consider it. He fears if I go off the OCD will come back with a vengeance and the medicine may no longer work. I am kind in Limbo as I am happy to be symptom free but it has come with other very annoying side effects. What I was wondering is if anyone else is on an old school medicine and oh he/she has the same side effects. Furthermore, has anyone found a good OCD medicine that does not make them feel like a Zombie while at the same time treats it’s symptmos. Nice to meet all of you and hear your stories!