I'm knew here and never joined anything like this. My life was on the up and up, engaged, great job, new house in a new area until my car accident that left me a quadriplegic. It was a very serous accident and in truly blessed to be alive. God must have some something big planned for me. I was completely paralyzed July 27,2016. The Dr's prognosis was that I was to be like Christopher Reeves, Superman. On a vent the rest of my life and unable to move, with brain damage. My recovery has been the hardest thing I've ever had to overcome. As much as the accident has effected me it has affected my fiancee just as much.
Finding my purpose: I'm knew here and... - Anxiety and Depre...
Finding my purpose

Welcome. I spent many years searching for my purpose. I was agoraphobic from age sixteen till I was thirty. I often wonder what my purpose is now that I have overcome agoraphobia. I don’t have a job, drivers license, and could be homeless after my parents die. I am just living day to day. It is what it is I suppose.

Were you ever able to get in touch with social service agencies that could help you find a job or even develop a business? You have talents and skills as you know.
I have. They sent me to a place that will help, but I have to be under a therapists care. So I went back in June for an intake appointment at the therapists office. The only available appointment they had for the therapist was in August. So I am waiting till the middle of August to see a therapist who can then decide what services i need. I am not holding out on hope on this one.

Hey, I understand after all you've been through- but this sounds like a break through. Congratulations also about following through- that alone takes energy. I wish you the best and admire your grit and determination on follow through and resilience.
I have learned to be patient. It was a hard lesson. When you are agoraphobic you want to be cured yesterday not today, but the reality is it takes much time to heal.

Learning to be patient is a skill in itself but you are pushing forward- think of that arrow in the road that points forward- you are the driver- and there may be set backs but you can drive on- so drive on , drive on.
you have been through a great deal. You have many issues to face. A psychiatrist and/or therapist may be worth looking into. You deserve great credit for working so hard to recover as much as possible physically. xx
Hi Ronbo130, I admire your positive attitude towards life. You are absolutely right in that you are truly blessed to be alive. And I'm sure God does have something big planned for you. It's not our physical limitations that hold as back but our mental ones. Of course the accident affected not only you but those you love, your fiancée. Your recovery is going to be the hardest thing you've ever had to overcome. Anything worthwhile in our lives takes work.
I worked for 3 years in a Veteran's Hospital in the Paraplegic Ward. Most were hurt during war but there were also many there because of serious accidents. From the first day I walked onto the ward, I was amazed at what could be accomplished by these men. I met artists who beat the odds of being a quad. I even purchased a picture from one of the patients. It was beautiful. It was surprising to see smiles and hear laughter. I thought it would be a somber place but instead I found hope and strength in these men making the best of a situation they had been given.
The therapy room even at that time had every kind of therapy and equipment you could imagine, if you were willing to work for it. I only worked with the patients but I do know there were support groups for the families as well.
I don't know how far you have gotten in your recovery but I somehow know you will make it there. I hear it in your words. Please keep us updated on your progress as well as your purpose in life. We all have one. My best to you. In my eyes you are truly a "Superman". Your fiancée is a lucky woman. (tell her I said so)
God definitely has a big plan for you! Have you read or seen anything about Joni Erickson Tada? She sounds like she'd be a huge inspiration to you if you haven't! Keep up the hard work of recovery - it sounds like big plans ARE in progress!