Struggling: Hello I am new to the site... - Anxiety and Depre...

Anxiety and Depression Support

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Raider0114 profile image
13 Replies

Hello I am new to the site, I have been struggling with anxiety for about 3 years. Back in 2015 I was told by a doctor that I had aggressive colon cancer and it did not look good for me and I needed to prepare my family, he also stated that as aggressive the colon cancer was I needed to have a complete hysterectomy as well as some of mu colon taking out. I panicked and did not get a second opinion. In November 2015 I went into the hospital and has these two surgeries, (35 % colon removed and all my female parts) on the 11th day in the hospital the doctor came in and stated I could go home now as I did not have cancer at all!!! I know I should be very thankful which I am but boy did this affect me emotional, and in some sense I feel stuck. Like I can not let it go. I started having anxiety attacks 3 to 5 times a day, I was scared of everything and some days I am still scared. I have tried talking to someone, I've tried medication and for some reason I can not seem to let it go. I have an amazing husband and wonderful children so why can I not let it go? Thanks for listening.

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13 Replies
hunter4ransom profile image

You had a very traumatic event in your life. It is completely understandable that you would have anxiety and fear. I’m also new here and suffering horrible anxiety for different reasons. Please know you are not alone. I’m also a mom of 2 teens and have a very supportive boyfriend of 7 years. I feel fear, guilt, dread, doubt, hopelessness, and unrelenting worry daily. The physical pain of panic attacks and anxiety are as horrible as the mental/emotional pain. I have faith that this anxiety will lessen over time and I will feel normal again. We can and will survive this. Again, you are not alone and we will walk along with you battening this horrible monster known as anxiety. Hang in there, deep breaths, take one day at a time, and know it will pass and you will be ok.

Raider0114 profile image
Raider0114 in reply to hunter4ransom

Thank you so much sometimes I do feel alone. I’m sorry your struggling as well.

hunter4ransom profile image
hunter4ransom in reply to Raider0114

I’m here anytime you need to talk. I just pulled weeds in my back yard with my little doggies and I feel some relief. I kept imagining the weeds were my worries and I was pulling them by the root and tossing them out. The yard looks better 😊.

Raider0114 profile image
Raider0114 in reply to hunter4ransom

Thank you that means a lot to me. That’s a really good idea. I used to be so active I used to run 9 miles a day was super fit looked amazing and now I’m 25 pounds overweight don’t feel like doing anything I need to find a way to get out of this rut I’m so lucky because I have the most amazing husband in the world and you would think that would do it but unfortunately it just doesn’t don’t know if that makes any sense

Raider0114 profile image

Thank you that means a lot to me. That’s a really good idea. Are used to be so active I used to run 9 miles a day was super fit looked amazing and now I’m 25 pounds overweight don’t feel like doing anything I need to find a way to get out of this rut I’m so lucky because I have the most amazing husband in the world and you would think that would do it but unfortunately it just doesn’t don’t know if that makes any sense

hunter4ransom profile image
hunter4ransom in reply to Raider0114

Yes, it makes total sense. Having support is wonderful but it doesn’t take the pain away. I hv an amazing boyfriend who does all he can to comfort and reassure me, but some days there is no comfort from the anxiety and it’s intrusive destructive thoughts. I feel tremendous guilt when that happens and worry I’m going to burn him out. I also worry about my moods around my kids. That certainly doesn’t help my anxiety. I have always stayed active too. I’m not a runner... super impressed that you are.... I like to keep busy and keep my body in motion, but lately I have no motivation. I try to do at least one active thing a day even if I don’t feel like it. Yesterday it was walking dogs. Today it was pulling weeds. Tomorrow will be cleaning up around the house. I have to force myself to do it, but feel better after. Mornings are the worst for me. I tend to feel better in the evenings. How about you?

Raider0114 profile image
Raider0114 in reply to hunter4ransom

Yes the mornings are my worst time as the day goes on I feel better. Do you take medication at all?

Raider0114 profile image

Yes the mornings are my worst time as the day goes on I feel better. Do you take medication at all?

hunter4ransom profile image
hunter4ransom in reply to Raider0114

I weaned off Zoloft about 6mo ago. I started to wean back on it last week. I also started seeing a counselor last week. I hate that I have to be on medication, but it’s what my brain needs to function normally. I just dread the morning anxiety w a passion. It is a living hell from the moment the sun hits my eyelids until later in the day when I force myself to get up and move about. Do you take any meds? Do they help?

Raider0114 profile image
Raider0114 in reply to hunter4ransom

Yes I take Ativan. My doctor wants me to get off it and start something else but I’m afraid. The Ativan works real well but she said I should not take it everyday. Confused

hunter4ransom profile image
hunter4ransom in reply to Raider0114

That’s hard especially if you found something that works for you. Don’t be afraid if you like and trust your doctor. I know it’s hard to trust a doctor especially if you have had a bad experience. I’m in my late 40s and was diagnosed w depression and anxiety in my mid 20s. It took a few trials of different meds to see what worked and Zoloft was what worked best for me. I’ve only weaned off one other time a long time ago with same results I’m experiencing now (unmanageable anxiety), but thought it was life stress so got back on. My current doctor said it probably isn’t a good idea for me to try to wean off anymore due to 2 horrible experiences once all the Zoloft was out of my system.

b1b1b1 profile image

That doctor made an outrageous error. Tests can be done beforehand to determine whether a colon abnormality is cancerous or not. You have every right to be very upset and also angry after what you have gone through, both emotionally and physically. I am in the US. In general, I am opposed to frivolous law suits or law suits mainly for money, however, in your case, I think you have every right to sue this doctor for malpractice, or to bring complaints against him.

There is a medication for anxiety called Buspar I’m going to try it. I’m on Lexapro but it’s not handling the strong anxiety. I’m so sorry you went through that ordeal! It sounds like you have PTSD now. Medication should help, I hope you find something that works for you!

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