Hi everyone!!
Here to share my story & hope others can relate and that I can help someone out there!!
I began to experience really harsh panic attacks summer of last year. After drinking an energy drink I began to think that I seriously was having a heart attack and was so petrified that I went to the emergency room! Come to find out I was 100% healthy. I felt like I couldn’t breath and I found it hard to believe that there was really nothing wrong with me. But as the days progressed I began to experience more panic attack episodes. From sitting in class, to feeling panicky the second I woke up. It made me feel like I was not in control of the situation and I fell into depression.
I also began to experience harm OCD, where I would have irrational thoughts of harming others when in reality I’m a very sensitive sweet person.
These issues continued for a whole year and I’d like to say that it does get better!!
A year ago today I cried all the time and lived in fear of living, in fear of not being able to breath, in fear of being a bad person, someone who didn’t deserve life.
But today I’m learning how to love myself!! I can point out my good qualities, I can keep my anxiety under control and I choose not to fall into the train of negative thoughts and emotions!
I smile today and if anyone needs to talk please know that if I can help just by talking I most definitely will !